Friday, August 9, 2013

The Real Life Gingerbread House and Other Sights of the West Side

Don't run as fast as you can from these gingerbread men!
I love this house on the West Side of Binghamton, New York.  It looks like a real life gingerbread house (some person who knows architecture can tell me what kind of roof it has) and the owners must think so, too - look at the left side.

(Anyone want more examples of local architecture? If you do, please leave a comment.)

Meantime, within a few blocks of the gingerbread house, we found these marvels of a late upstate New York summer:

Mountain ash.

Japanese pagoda tree.  This tree is one of the last to bloom in our area, and a lovely bloomer it is.

The bees were having a good time with what had already dropped off the tree.

And last but not least, a large patch of what we call "butter and eggs", or yellow toadflax.
What is fascinating today in your neighborhood?

Have a Fantastic Friday.


  1. Great pictures and I love the Gingerbread house. Must be cool to live there!

    1. Maybe one day, as I walk by, the owner will come out and I'll be able to say "hi". (if I don't get an attack of the shys, that is.)

  2. That's a beautiful gingerbread house! I love that those flowers are called butter and eggs. We have lots of interesting plants up here in the Northwest that I never saw while growing up in TX. I have no idea what they're called though.

    1. If you post some of your flower pictures online, I bet some bloggers would love to identify them for you.

  3. That toadflax looks like the old cottage garden favorite snapdraggon. I used to love opening and shutting the flower's mouth as a child. The fields opposite our home are waving in the breeze with seeds at the moment.

    1. These are a different genus than snapdragons, but they do look similar. They are an introduced flower for us in the States, but are a native to your area.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, aren't those berries lovely? I'm told they are edible and some make them into a jelly with apple juice, but I wouldn't try them unless they came from my tree.

  5. Fantastic selection of pictures! The gingerbread house is so cute!

    1. It is - I got such a kick out of the gingerbread people on the side. The things you find, walking through a neighborhood!

  6. I'd love to see more architectural photos! It fascinates me how different the building styles are in different areas of the country. And the last photo? We call it "bread and butter snapdragons." I've got it in my flower beds and it's what we call "politely invasive." I really love it.

    1. Amy - just for you - I will. These "bread and butter" for you, "butter and eggs" for us - don't you love regional names for flowers? (that's why serious flower folks always use the Latin names), but for me, "Linaria vulgaris" just doesn't cut it.


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