Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ten Things I Love About My Spouse

How about a link up where we show some blog love towards the one who loves us?

Bethany, over at Dandelion Pie, is sponsoring a linkup where she gives us permission to brag about the man (or woman, as the case may be) we are sharing our lives with.

Well, although my spouse does not read my blog, I am going to take Bethany up on this.  Why?  Because, dear reader, this is my 1900th published blog post.
Bring on the celebration!

What an excellent idea, to blog about the spouse whose patience makes my blogging possible, on this important occasion.  Thanks, Bethany.

Therefore, I present:  10 Things I Love About My Spouse But Not Necessarily In This Order

1.  He puts up with my snoring.  Of course, HIS snoring is much worse.  Sometimes, epic.  Well, maybe not that epic. But pretty bad.

2.  He cooks for me.  In fact, he's cooking for me right now!

3.  He puts up with my blogging.  Like when I'm blogging and dinner is ready, and I'm totally oblivious to that fact.  Or breakfast.  (Not lunch.  He doesn't do lunch.)

4.  He's been known to take me to work when the weather is really bad.

5.  He remembers birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

6.  He takes care of me when I am sick.

7.  He puts up with my bad moods.

8.  When I was addicted to FarmVille, he put up with that, too.

9.  He likes to do many of the same things as I do.  Not everything, mind you.  But that would be boring!

10.  He loves to travel with me, and I could not have a better travel companion.

Do you have a list to share?  Go over to Dandelion Pie, and post in the comments!


  1. Aww, how perfect of a blog post for your 1900th one!!!! WOW! Crazy :) I think your hubby should definitely read this one, if nothing at all :)

    1. He did. After I prodded him into it. He just isn't an online person, but, while he was at it, he actually went on Facebook and wished a cousin happy birthday. Proud of him :)

  2. Oh! We're so blessed to have good caring men, Alana.

  3. Hi Alana :)

    Loved this post! Thanks for sharing these 10 things you love about your spouse :) Nice share!!

  4. Wow, you weren't kidding you almost could have copied and pasted. Lol. If we switch Farmville with a reading addiction, (which I still have) your list could be mine also. We are lucky. Happy 19000th post. Enjoy your celebrations.

    1. I have a reading addiction, too, but that would have been 11, and the rules said 10. And last night, he even made one of my favorite meals. I'll have to remember that the next time he keeps me awake with his snoring.

  5. I am so glad I'm not the only blogger who has to go tell her spouse "READ THIS!" LOL... Although he's trying.

    I did my ten things post yesterday. This was fun to read!

  6. It was hysterical helping him even GET to my blog. And then (seeing one of my badges) he asked "What is a Na Blo? Po? Mo? Well, we each have our own talents and strengths, which is one reason why our marriage has lasted so long, as I well know.

  7. Alana, wow! Two rarities: your 1900th post????? Huge congrats! I think I'm at about 500. And you're posting Good Things about your spouse? So many don't say anything good about their dearest and nearest. So good to see your list. My husband is my favorite person, the best company ever, brilliant and funny--and our marriage just gets better. Maybe I'll write more about him. Thanks for the smiles. And congrats again on your 1900!

    1. Thanks for the congrats - it was a blogging challenge in 2011 that encouraged me to develop the habit of daily blogging, and that's how I ended up with so many posts. It was fun writing about my husband - maybe I'll do it again one day.

  8. Aw, so sweet. Doing many of the same things together is so important, traveling together and knowing he'll take care of you when you're sick is comforting. :)
    Congratulations on 1900. Woo hoo!

  9. Oh my goodness! I'm pretty exhausted with my 29th straight post! Congratulations on your 1900th and your great partnership there, too. :)

  10. Congratulations on your blogging continuation. That's an achievement.
    As for your husband, he sounds supportive and caring. What more could a woman want? Of course, he's not as good as mine. hehe.

  11. Congratulations on your 1900th post! Your husband sounds like a great guy. Mine is too - going on 42 years now. ☺

  12. Love your blog, Alana. Congrats on your 1900th post. Wow! Great accomplishment!

    Aw, this is so nice having a list dedicated to ten great things about your hubby. He does sound like a keeper. So is mine. You've inspired me to think about doing my own list.

  13. Congratulations for your 1900. I find a lot of similarities between my husband and yours, except that mine need not have to put up with snoring. I don't snore. He's a good cook too, but likes more oil for cooking which I don't like;)

  14. Your spouse sounds like a keeper - not unlike my own! Congratulations!


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