Sunday, May 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - May 2016

Today, the 15th of May, has dawned cold, sunny, and windy here in the Johnson City area of upstate New York.  We are under a freeze watch for tonight.  But the world around me is in bloom, and that is all that matters this morning.

It's time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day at May Dreams Gardens, named because an Indiana blogger dreams of "the days of May, when the sun is warm, the sky is blue, the grass is green and the garden is all new again."  Well, three out of four isn't bad at all.

Fortunately, we held off and didn't plant any of our tomatoes or coleus.

So, this morning, I ran around my yard taking pictures, refusing to wear a jacket.

My favorite, perhaps, this basket of begonias.  The plants are my Mother's Day gift and I put the basket together.

The last, late, jonquils 

The last of the tulips brighten the front yard.  (they have hung on so long, thanks to cool weather).

Also in the front yard, Euphorbia.

One of our many hanging baskets.

In the back yard,  our phlox is just starting.

Three bleeding hearts.  Pink.


Our lilac. This year the buds are so far up, I couldn't get a good shot.

Inside, a Mother's Day gift last year - this moth orchid has rebloomed and has been in bloom since January.  I don't think I will ever do as well with an orchid ever again.  Some of the flowers (I had 13 at one point) are starting to die.
A Thanksgiving cactus.
An African Violet starting to rebloom.

And finally, my Mother's Day gift to myself this year.  I took this orchid (can you tell I like pink?) outdoors for its photo.

Now that it's May, I can enjoy what remains of spring and look forward to our vegetable garden.  And, now that you have looked at my flowers, please go to May Dreams Gardens and link to flower gardens from all over the world.


  1. A beautiful variety of blooms!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. Wonderful photos. I have planted some flowers in my flower bed. They are starting to sprout.

  3. I so wish I had a green thumb! Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  4. It's been really cold here too and I hate that it feels more like Fall than Spring. Good thing we both have beautiful flowers blooming to remind us that it actually is Spring.

  5. What lovely blooms. I especially like your Mother's Day begonias. Very colorful.

  6. Your spring blooms are lovely. It has been a cooler than usual spring here as well on Long Island. Happy Bloom Day!

  7. I have narcissus like those, and they come out very late too. I learned they are grown in France as one of the ingredients in perfumes.

  8. I do hope you escaped the frost. Saturday night it hovered just above freezing here, after sun and rain had led to an explosion of new growth. We only just got away with it.

  9. Always love seeing your beautiful flower photos, inspired me to get some for out house.


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