Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Summer Ramblings - Lillies

It's lily season in upstate New York.

In two days, on July 15, it will be Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and I will feature lilies from my yard near Binghamton, New York.  In the meantime, from my yard and from some walks in June and July, here are some of the loveliest flowers you will ever see.  All but the first are day lilies.
These, which are no longer blooming are from our yard.

Our yard, just before nightfall, July 4.  Doesn't it look like it's glowing?
More of my lilies, July 7.

West side of Binghamton, June 29.
Display with lilies (the pink flowers) in background, Binghamton (July 7)

Lily at Your Home Library, Johnson City, July 8.

This is Day Four  of Write Tribe's Festival of Word #5. Why don't you visit some of the bloggers participating in this from all over the world?  

And, please come back Friday, when I link with bloggers from all over the world for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and you will get to see some more lilies from my garden.


  1. I posted a photo of that beautiful yellow, ruffled edge lily on my instagram yesterday. @boomeresque2 They have been especially beautiful this summer in Brigantine, New Jersey. The hydrangeas have also been wonderful.

    1. It may surprise you, given how I love to take pictures, that I am not on Instagram. But I never have been. I will get a new iPhone eventually (mine is full full full) and maybe I will. Would love to see what you have in bloom.

  2. You liven up my day with such beautiful display of lilies! Keep posting!

  3. Alana, this was so amazing! Lilies are very popular with florists here, they cost a bomb in fact! But they have the most beautiful perfume and they last longer...I love them, this was a treat!

    1. Thank you, Kala. Many of the daylilies that grow here don't have much of a scent. Something we call stargazer lilies do, but to me (I have some kind of genetic issue with certain flower scents, apparently) they smell like garbage. Too bad!

  4. OMG such beautiful flowers in your yard. I love lilies!


    1. Tina, only certain of these are in my yard but I'm happy to report that on July 15, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day everything will be mine (it's the rule!) Stop back then!

  5. Lilies are just gorgeous - so easy to grow and they put on such a vibrant show. I loved that hot pink one especially.

  6. Those are some of the loveliest flowers I've ever seen. The first one is SO cool!

  7. Beautiful photos. You may be interested in the Daylily Bloom festival at Oakes Farm in Blaine, TN. It's over for this year, but maybe look for it next year, seems like you would enjoy it. It's not far from my house, it was a nice event. My kids even enjoyed it.

  8. Oh phooey, I put some flowers in my garden but it was a late-in-spring whim and none of them are blooming yet!

    I do have a nice set from a recent trip to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, maybe I'll just use those.

  9. Pretty. Don't tell my mother I said that. She hates lilies. (I think it has something to do with how they smell._

  10. Gosh they are so beautiful!! I wish I had that skill to grow flowers. I am still learning but it's not enough :)

  11. It's good that they are blooming at roughly the same time. It seems to me that gardeners are lily people or not. They either have lots of lilies or have none. I know where you fall..

  12. Such beautiful flowers. Lovely vibrant colours. Flowers always make me happy.


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