Thursday, August 24, 2017

Ordinary Things

We don't tend to notice the everyday things around us.  But when we are on vacation, the usual becomes unusual.

These are an assortment of pictures taken on a recent trip.  For some, they are usual sights.  For me, they were something out of my ordinary.
A hisbiscus.  They can grow where I live, but aren't one of the more common flowers..
Crepe myrtle, a flower that does not grow where I live in upstate New York.
A soda machine.  The Carolinas are so proud of their Pepsi, and I admit a fondness for Diet Cherry Pepsi.  I normally wouldn't give a soda ad a second glance, but in the Carolinas....
A roadside market.  Inside, for sale, were several types of crowder peas (something not commonly grown where I live) and muscadine grapes (a grape that is not hardy where I live).
Seeing the sun is usual. But this vacation also featured an event that happens rarely where I live.  This headline in a local paper gives you a hint about what I will blog about tomorrow.

I can't wait to tell you about the day it got dark.


  1. Most of those things don[t exist where I live, either! ;)
    Oh, wow! so you saw it? Can't wait!

  2. I wish crepe myrtle grew here. So pretty.

  3. I hope you're enjoying your vacation. I have a cousin in South Carolina and an Uncle in North Carolina. I've heard it's a very pretty part of the country.

  4. You got to see totality? Cool.

  5. I had no clue Carolina claimed Pepsi. (I have always been with the superior choice- Coca Cola :-) )

  6. What a disappointment the eclipse was. Where I live, the sky did look a little darker than usual, and some said they could see a partial eclipse (looking up through sunglasses).

    It didn't get dark, at all.

  7. Hibiscus and Crepe Myrtle grow like crazy here in the Texas heat. Love both of them, although I don't have either in my yard, but my sister does, and takes fantastic photos of them. So I just enjoy hers. Totality will happen in Texas in 7 years with the epi-center only a few hundred miles from where I live. The photos have been stunning of Monday's eclipse. Will look forward to your post tomorrow.


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