Friday, May 4, 2018

Flower Flurries #SkywatchFriday

On this first Friday of the month, we in upstate New York are doing a happy dance.  SPRING HAS FINALLY COME.

And here's the proof.  Last week we were still getting snow flurries.  This week, we are getting flower flurries.

Remember yesterday's rocks wedged in a weeping cherry?  Here's the tree, set against a beautiful blue sky on May Day.  This is in downtown Binghamton, New York.
Blossoms getting ready to open on the West Side of Binghamton, New York.
Magnolia buds opening.

Skip a couple of days to May 3 and what pictures of the sky can we find? Well, Bradford Pear buds opening at the Broome County Library.
In their library garden, a dramatic sky.
And one more Bradford Pear view.

Join Yogi and other bloggers watching the sky at #SkywatchFriday


  1. Happy Spring!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Here in Virginia, we are inundated with helicopter leaves. Sweep, sweep!

  3. My neighbor's magnolia is just exquisite! Your pics are lovely.

  4. Hurray for blossom flurries instead! Lovely shots.

  5. Love the flower flurries. Ya'll certainly had to wait a long time for them. Here in Texas Spring has come to stay as well after several attempts in April. Now we are having April showers in May. Thank goodness! I'm doing a Flower Series of posts now that AtoZ is over. Speaking of which I enjoyed your Florida Theme very much. Sorry I did not get by as often as I wanted. The last weeks were filled with unforeseen events and a critical family illness which is still ongoing. Looking forward to Summer...even if it is going to be a HOT one.

  6. Ha ha, flower flurries! That's really beautiful.

  7. Flower wonderful. I have tulip leaves, and catkins dropping from the trees, but no flower flurries yet. I'd love to have some of those!
    Thank you for sharing.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. That first picture is absolutely gorgeous. I have a tree in my backyard and I was wondering what it was. I'm going to Post it on Wednesday and see if anyone knows. ~~hehehehe~~


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