Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Snowscape #WordlessWednesday

Where I live in New York State, in the northeast part of the United States, snow is common during the winter.

But there are many parts of the world where snow is almost unknown, and, for some reason, the residents of these areas love to see snow.

It's pretty, I know.  Especially if you don't have to shovel or walk on the stuff.  Children love it.  I don't.

Right now, our ground is covered.  On Monday, when I took this picture, sitting on this bench would have been a little sloppy.

But, believe it or not, snow protects and insulates, too.  It helps protect plants from bitter cold weather, although too much will damage.

And it's good for a #WordlessWednesday.  Why not join in?  You can leave it wordless, or write something, too.  It's easy!

New to #WordlessWednesday but would like to participate? Well, here’s how you can join Natasha and Esha. Just follow their three easy steps:
  1. Post a picture on your blog that speaks for itself. It could be from your adventures, experiments, life’s quirky moments, travels or just plain random shots. Or absolutely anything that stoked your being. Or made you think.
  2. Add their badge to your post and add a backlink to our posts.
  3. We’d love it if you read, comment and share all the posts linked.


  1. I grew up in New England and love snow---as long as I don't have to go out in it or drive in it. Actually, going out in it isn't bad as long as I'm properly clothed and my reason for going out is to play! But shoveling? Ugh! I'll stick to my beach and palm trees. lol

  2. These pictures look like my backyard here in Minnesota. Lovely to look at, but I've had enough for the year. Wordless Wednesday--love the concept!

  3. We've only had drips and drabs of snow. (OK. One six inch fall.)
    And, they say there's no climate change

  4. Snow does look pretty in pictures, but I'm not really a fan either and it's definitely overstayed its welcome at this point. Nice shots, Alana! ☺

  5. We rarely get snow here in Northern Alabama, and none so far this winter. Sad face. You're right--those of us who don't see it regularly, love seeing it. Your pics are beautiful.

  6. We got very lucky in NYC with this latest snowstorm. I'm not sad! :)

  7. I sure didn't want to post anther picture of snow. So I did something out of desperation.
    Coffee is on

  8. I agree, Alana, children love it and it looks lovely when you don't have to walk on it or drive through it. But, the pictures do evoke an awe in the rest of us who don't get to see snow in years. Lovely picture to share for #ww. Thank you, Alana, for joining us this week.

  9. The line 'for some reason, the residents of these areas love to see snow' made me chuckle.I know these people. A many of them are my Indian friends. The photos do look beautiful. Walking over snow is nightmare. We got a little bit of snow in England, where I am living for the time being, and it made walking to school an ardous task. My son wished we could go back to India and never deal with snow ever again.


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