Saturday, April 6, 2019

Florida #AtoZChallenge #blogboost

I couldn't believe the weather forecast last night, where I live in the Southern Tier of New York.  "Freezing Rain and Sleet" announced the weather broadcaster.

It was time to think of Florida.  Seriously think of Florida.  I have spent most of my life (except about 12 years) in New York State.  But, for two years - the first two years of my married life - we lived in Tampa, Florida.

I will admit - I did not like Florida (except for palm trees, which I love).  Bugs.  Heat.

Florida, land of alligators.
Sanibel, Florida (and my shadow)
But it is also Florida, the land without snow.  And after over 30 years of living near New York's snowbelt, I'm done.  Not done all the time.  Just done in the winter.

Or when winter refuses to leave.

So, on a day like yesterday, my thoughts turned to Florida.  They didn't think of the palmetto bug that crawled out of a drain when I was last there - in January.  Instead, I had other thoughts.
St. Petersburg, Florida

The land of Gulf and Ocean.
Boyton Beach, Florida
The land of birds.
Clewiston, Florida near Lake Okeechobee
And sugar cane.

And...oh yes, palm trees at sunset.

I will have to make a decision, because, right now, both Florida and New York are calling out to me.

What place will win?

"F" day on Blogging from A to Z.  My theme:  Finding America through Photos.

Day 6 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost.


  1. I am clearly on the side of Florida. We moved here from MD in 1976. There have been times when I thought summer would never end and I still do miss autumn, but you don't have to shovel sunshine and you can go outside. You may be sweaty but that can be remedied. I saw a bumper sticker once. It said - I live in Florida under one condition, air condition.

  2. Do either have to "win"? This is why Florida has "snowbirds." People from New York, who spend their winters in sunny, warm Florida.

  3. When I was younger I never imagined wanting to move to Florida.

    Now I’m rethinking that. I am not a fan of snow.

  4. I really like your images. Very colorful and tells a story with each one

  5. I grew up in Southern Illinois. Cold harsh winters every year. Never thought much of it. It's just what life was. But I accepted a job in Beijing China and the winter was SO SO SO much colder. It occurred to me that I didn't have to choose this. I now live in Vietnam (tropical all year) right on the coast. It is absolutely beautiful and I will never live in the cold again. I even told my family back in the States, if any of you get married or die, plan to do it in the summer. Otherwise, I will not be at the ceremony.

    I am at Transformed Nonconformist. I usually write humor pieces, but I am getting serious this month. I'm writing about people who have deeply impacted my life.

  6. I wouldn't know what to do if I came across an alligator
    Coffee is on

  7. Don't forget that Florida doesn't have the insane taxes that NY does!

  8. If the choice was up to me, I would choose Florida. I am a Florida girl, but I don't live there now. I grew up in the northern part of FL, just south of Jacksonville. Yes, the summers can get unbearably hot, but it's not that much different than living in NC where the humidity can stifle you. LOL

  9. My brother lived in Florida for several years, and I always loved visiting. I don't think I could live there year-round because I do like seasons, but I also love living in a place (Memphis, TN) where even the *threat* of snow can close businesses. No lie!

    - Allison

  10. Alana,

    You probably have followed me long enough to know how I feel about Florida but for those who don't, I'm happy where we are in East Tennessee. While it gets cold here in the winter, we're nowhere near as bad as what my northern blog pals experience. I guess if I lived in extremely cold climates then I'd be thinking about Florida, too. If I had all the money in the world where I could have a home here and Florida, then I wouldn't mind spending winters in the deep south. :)

    A2Z Little Mermaid art sketch series 'Flounder'

  11. There are other places where it does not snow. California, for one. (Well, not all of California...) And there are other places where it snows not much at all. Things to consider...

  12. I grew up in New England (MA & NH), then over many years lived in several cities in FL (my parents moved there in my senior year of HS), two locations in GA, two locations in IA, two locations in NY (Rochester and Long Island), Delaware, two locations in Colorado, Virginia, two locations in PA, and am now on my 2nd in TN. I have also traveled all 50 states and ridden my motorcycle through 48 of them. We have family in FL, GA, OH, MD, DE, NY and CO.

    That said, when both my late husband and then my current husband and I discussed where we would like to retire, it was middle TN in both cases. Reasonable cost of living, no state income tax, and moderate climate (not too hot in the summer and not too cold or too much snow in the winter - where we are located).

    Good luck!

    DB McNicol, author
    A to Z Microfiction: Flower


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