Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Ithaca (New York) - #AtoZChallenge

Ithaca, New York is a college town located in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York, about an hour to the west and north of where I live.  One blog post could not even begin to do it justice.

I have a love-hate relationship with Ithaca.  It's a wonderful place to visit, but, over the years, I've found that wonderful places to visit don't tend to be wonderful places to live.  But I try to make it up to Ithaca at least two or three times a year.  One of those times should be just around the corner.
Today, I want to give you a quick snapshot of Ithaca. First, the Farmers Market at Steamboat Springs, along the shore of Cayuga Lake near to where this Finger Lake begins.  Much of the produce is organic, and, besides veggies, you will find lots of prepared food, and many artisans selling their wares.

Speaking of the lake....
Lovely walking trail.

The traffic in Ithaca can be terrible (not Orlando terrible, but "jammed up in a small space" terrible.  A bicycle might, or might not, be a better idea.

Here and there, you will find houses with solar panels.  This house looks like it is saving rainwater.

Video I took at the Ithaca Festival, a festival that takes place the first weekend of June. 

If you have children, you will want to check out the impressive science museum that was inspired (and helped) by the late Carl Sagan. 

Some of the many blog posts I've written about Ithaca, if these few pictures encourage you to read and see more:

Dragon Boat Festival
Plant and book sales
Buy Local
More Steamboat Landing Farmers Market

"I" Day


  1. Nice photos. I was in Ithaca once, many years ago. (Waitlisted at a certain law school...). Parts of the town were very pretty.

  2. I see the name Ithaca and I remember the poem by Constantine Cavafy. Of course, that was about the one in Greece...

  3. Sounds like a lovely place. I suppose not so much in the winter, though.

  4. Lovely photographs and interesting information.
    You must forgive me for insisting, however, (she said with a smile) that my hometown of Two Rivers, Wisconsin is the home of the ice cream sundae!
    I is for: Infamous-Prison Secrets Part 1 of 2
    J is for: Just Listen-Prison Secrets Part 2 of 2
    (Theme: very short stories/varied genres)

  5. Farmer's Market is a great place to meet local farmers, love to find out more from them.

    Ithaca--don't know much about it. I agree with Liz.

  6. Ithica looks like an ad for 'Green Space' with it's Farmers Market, rain barrel and bicycles. I agree, nice place to visit, but maybe a bit to crowded to live there. I'm catching up with AtoZ reading and commenting. Not a fan of the Master List this year.

  7. Thank you all, for the comments, and for stopping by. Your comments today are especially precious to me because FB found something wrong with this post - yes, this is the post that somehow didn't meet their standards. So thank you again, one and all!

  8. Alana,

    I'm sure the FB believes it contains conservative content, therefore, feel it's a threat to their agenda. After all, you are showing your national pride in your home state and country by sharing such lovely pictures. This one is going to make the gears in my head spin today. :)

    I is for Intertidal Zone in my Little Mermaid Art Sketch series

  9. Ah, looking forward to my Ithaca trip this year for the Women Swimmin' for Hospicare. Had a little too much going on to make it last year, missed the visit!


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