Friday, May 31, 2019

Rarely Blue #SkywatchFriday

So much gloom, so much rain (not that we in upstate New York can complain - millions of people have it worse than us).  It seems as if the skies are rarely blue.

 This past weekend, though, the sun actually came out, and I rushed to take some pictures before it disappeared again.
I sat in my backyard and watched the sky.
Every few minutes, Nature presented me with a different view.
But the clear skies couldn't last forever.  As I photographed a young red horse chestnut tree in bloom, the storm clouds started to gather again.

And now, on this last day of May...

I'm thinking of the people in danger of floods and those who have been in the way of tornadoes.  I lived in the tornado belt (Wichita Falls, Texas, Wichita, Kansas), and not that far from one of the areas in Arkansas that is in dire danger of flooding.

Having been through a flood myself in 2011, there are a lot of people in my thoughts today. The scope of this unfolding disaster is massive.

Join Yogi and the other bloggers who watch the sky at #SkywatchFriday


  1. I love the horse chestnut.

    Far too many people have had their lives disrupted by natural disasters.

  2. Mother Nature isn't happy with us right now...

  3. I too hate hearing about people in danger due to the weather. It does make me appreciate the beauty of a clear sky and a bright sun more though.

  4. Beautiful sky captures! Yes, the floods and other weather I hear about in the news sounds really scary!

  5. My home area in Illinois is between the Illinois and Mississippi. The flood area is immense. Homes, towns, farms--underwater.

  6. It is always lovely to see blue at last!


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