Sunday, June 9, 2019

From The Past With Awe

You Tube is a treasure trove of videos.  I could (but don't) spend all day on it, and not even watch a single cat video.

I was amazed to discover this restored footage of a total eclipse of the sun from 1900.

Yes this footage is 119 years old.  Here's the story behind it.

I've been fortunate enough to have seen three total eclipses of the sun in my life - on the Campus of East Carolina university in 1970, along a highway in Oregon in 1979, and in Columbia, South Carolina in August of 2017.

But seeing this video took my breath away.  The photographer is long dead, as is everyone who watched.  But, for us, thanks to modern technology and the Internet, it lives on.

And, to me, the most amazing thing is living in a time where I can see something like this.


  1. Do you remember the one in '63? Maybe that wasn't total everywhere, but I remember the fuss they put up about it, mostly wanting to makes sure people didn't go blind...

    Cool video!

  2. Amazing to think how hard it was to photograph then, but how easy it is now. Too bad his first attempt's film was stolen.

  3. Now I am wondering what is oldest video that is out there on you tube.
    Coffee is on

  4. That is sooooo cool. I am glad it was not a cat video.

  5. Like you, I can get lost in YouTube. I start watching a couple of music videos and the next thing you know I am viewing Jay Leno's Garage, The worlds largest radio controlled model planes, WWII footage, or night hunting feral hogs in Texas.


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