Saturday, June 15, 2019

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2019 - A Pause From Rain

Welcome to Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  Each 15th of the month, bloggers gather at May Dreams Gardens (virtually) to show what is blooming in their houses or yards.

This post should mark my eighth anniversary of participating every month since at least June of 2011.   Sneakily, I've built myself a once a month garden journal.  Here's this month's entry:

The rain festival that has hit my zone 5b Binghamton, New York area garden has paused.  I was afraid I was not going to have good photographic conditions today for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

I was wrong.
It's June, and despite the rain (or maybe because of it) our area has had an explosion of flowers.  In the morning light, this petunia basket given to me for Mother's Day shone.
A purchase from the Memorial Day weekend at a plant sale sponsored by our local botancial gardens, these Black Eyed Susans have just opened up.


Fun with collage #1, as there is so much to see.   Here, marigolds and petunias.

I took other pictures last night, just in case, and had some fun with collages.  Here are double flowered impatiens and sunpatiens.
Pansies, with a sprinkling of geraniums.  It's been so cool, the pansies are thriving.
A petunia basket I made up.  It's funny, both me and my son picked the same petunia (the purple one with the white border) for baskets.  I guess he knows my tastes by now.
Here's another basket. Yes, in the back are black petunias.

In golden hour light, sweet alyssum.

Calibrachoa, a geranium and (lower right) annual phlox.
One more.  This includes (counterclockwise from upper left) another calibrachoa, a heuchera, yellow bleeding heart, what's left of my brunneria, what's left of my columbine and a geranium with variegated leaves.

Want more flowers?  Click on the links of the other bloggers participating. You'll be glad you did.


  1. Beautiful colorful Blooms ...Petunias and Pansies are my all time spring favorites...Happy blooms day.

  2. Beautiful blooms. Your June garden is a riot of colors!

  3. I love all your wonderful blooms Alana. Thank you for the visit!

  4. Very pretty. Rain is great for flowers, or so I'm told.


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