Monday, July 8, 2019

Independence #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday and it's time for some music!

Who are the #MusicMovesMe bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only on this music train, please!)   First, there is XmasDolly,   Her head co-conductor is Cathy of Curious as a Cathy and co-conductors are:   Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and (finally) me.  Callie of JAmerican Spice joins from time to time. 

Our guest conductor for the month of July is Driller AA of Driller's Place.

For our theme today he has picked:  "July 7 songs that celebrate your Independence, personal or national

It's hard to believe singer Leslie Gore was so young when she recorded this hit that celebrates the power of women and their ability to act independently. From 1963: You Don't Own M, a song that was a true declaration of independence for those times.

Gloria Gaynor sings (to the delight of this lover of disco music) "I Will Survive".

Here's one for the men.

The Chairman of the Board singing the iconic "My Way".

Next, here's ELO doing "Don't Bring Me Down": this is not the official music video, but the person who did it, I  think, did a fantastic job.

Deserving of a belated happy birthday is the country where I was born and where I have lived all my life, the United States of America.  It deserves its own songs.

Let's dance to James Brown's "Living in America" from the movie Rocky IV.

I can't imagine what my grandparents felt when they saw the Statue of Liberty after a long voyage from Europe.  If they hadn't made that voyage I would not be alive today.  Neil Diamond sings "Coming to America".

This is my all time favorite patriotic song.  Never mind air guitar, I want to play air piccolo.

Finally, sung by the man who wrote the song, "This Land is Your Land", Woody Guthrie. To many, this has become an unofficial national anthem.

That's a patriotic wrap.  Next Monday, July 15, is Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. I may be joining the linky on Sunday with a few flower pictures for you on Monday. 

See you then!


  1. Outstanding selections this morning but Stars & Stripes is head a shoulders above the rest. When you think of the 4th of July, Stars & Stripes automatically pops into your head and this is the best arrangement I have heard of this classic march. Thanks for being a part of the celebration today.

  2. Great songs. I enjoyed them all.

  3. The day Mary and I went to speak with the pastor of her parish about getting married, he went on a tear about the song "My Way." He didn't want it sung at our wedding. "You do it God's way, not your own way!" Not that we had even considered having it sung in the first place...

    Lesley Gore was fantastic. I saw her live about 25 years ago and she put on a hell of a show. Sad she's goe now...

    Good choices!

  4. Great selection! I really love this original Woody Guthrie.

  5. What great choices, Neil Diamond and Woody Guthrie are long time favorites of mine. Leslie Gore is the only one I hadn't heard of.

  6. Alana,

    I love your playset for this week's theme. You really put the groove in my move sitting here in my chair this morning. I'm so glad your grandparents made the journey across the great Atlantic to venture the far away new land they took as their new home. I can't imagine the terror and thrill they must have felt taking such a bold leap to escape the many hardships or horrors many Europeans faced. God bless those brave immigrants (legal) and soon to be new citizens of America! Our country was built by the hands of men/women from different countries around the world who called the US their home. I'm not sure when my ancestors came to this great country but I count myself extremely blessed that they did and that I was born free. The younger generation doesn't seem to grasp what was scraficed for them and don't appreciate what they've been given. Okay, okay enough ranting. Thank you for sharing such wonderful mewsic on the dance floor. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

  7. The video for Don't Bring Me Down is just the best! It might be my favorite of the week.

  8. These are wonderful selections. (It doesn't hurt that you included some of my all-time favorites!) And, you are right- that ELO video is fantastically (electronically) choreographed!


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