Monday, July 1, 2019

Oh Canada Oh Music #MusicMovesMe #blogboost

 It's the first day of July (rabbit rabbit!) and time for some music!  It's also the first day of the July Ultimate Blog Challenge.  Regardless of where you came from, I thank you for visiting me.

Now, it's time to rock!  But first an introduction to me, and to (more on that later) Canada Day.

Who are the #MusicMovesMe bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only on this music train, please!)   First, there is XmasDolly, who is sick and hopefully will be returning soon.  Her co-conductors are:   Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy of Curious as a Cathy and (finally) me.  Callie of JAmerican Spice blogs from time to time.  

Our guest conductor for the month of July is Driller AA of Driller's Place.  Welcome, Driller AA!

For our theme today he has picked: "Your Pick"  Since this is Canada Day in our neighbor to the north, I decided to (mostly) feature songs by Canadian artists.

First up, Rush.  There are so many songs of theirs that I love.  So I decided on this one:  Subdivisions. It's such a powerful song.  Listen to the lyrics closely.  It came out in 1982, but the lyrics are just as meaningful in 2019.

This next song came out in 1970 and - you guessed it - it's just as meaningful in 2019.  Joni Mitchell and Big Yellow Taxi.

Neil Young has many hits, but the most meaningful to me is this one, from 1989.  Rockin' in the Free World.''

When it came to the Guess Who, it took me a while to make up my mind.  So many good songs (some pretty political). I chose a song that has Canada as its topic - Runnin' Back to Saskatoon.

Songwriter Leonard Cohen was born near Montreal, Canada.  I haven't posted this song in so long, and I don't think I posted this version, either.  Cohen's voice is...well, you just have to hear it.

Getting a little grim?  Let's lighten it up with a duo.  Half of it is Canadian.  Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber in I Don't Care.  

I end this with Triumph and "Fight the Good Fight".

Happy Canada Day to my Canadian readers - have a piece of cake for me. 

Day one of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost.


  1. And I think the linky tool is broken ....

  2. Alana,

    What a great idea to feature Canadian artists today to celebrate Canada's birthday! :) The Guess Who are a good oldies band. I always hearing their mewsic. Cohen is an artist you have an ear for which I do not. lol I love 'Hallejuah' but I prefer Michael Bolton's cover. Thanks for sharing the boogie spirit with me this week. Have a safe & wonderful 4th celebration, my friend!

  3. Great collection here! I actually know most of these artists. Only other Canadian artist I can think of is Jeff Healey...

  4. So many fabulous artists from Canada. It's a shame about Joni Mitchell these days. She was such a powerful voice on stage and off. These are all great choices.

  5. Canada sure has produced a lot of great artists, haven't they? Great choices! :)


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