Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sobering Thoughts

Sometimes, it seems there is no time to appreciate what is around me.
The variegated lantana blooms.
I don't have enough time to appreciate my flowering basil...
No time to make the potpourri I planned to make

Or to watch this little drama on a basil leaf.

Thinking today of the Bahamas, Northern California, the Carolinas, and Nova Scotia, all sharing the wrath of Hurricane Dorian.  They don't have any time, either, because they are trying to survive.

I shouldn't complain so much.

I did find this article in Forbes magazine interesting - what we can do to help the Bahamas.  One of those things is to visit one of the islands that was not hit by Dorian, given that the Bahamas depend so much on tourism. (Note, I have not verified any of the charities listed at the end of the article.

As always, watch out for scams.

Tomorrow is the seventh anniversary of floods that hit my neighborhood and other neighborhoods in the Southern Tier of New York. 

It's sobering to think of the forces of nature, and more sobering to think that our changing climate has become a political fighting ground.

Meanwhile, thousands suffer.


  1. I agree whole heartedly…

    Do you know, my husband was pulled out of a second story window during the 1972 floods that hit Hornell/this area. I believe it was remnants from Hurricane Florence.

    Sobering thoughts, my friend. So much devastation and grief...been there, done it and never going back (Hurricane Katerina and EF5 tornado) hence why we live here now. It is so hard to find the fortitude to keep going. Just keeping it real.

  2. Basil does yummy. I don't know why.
    Coffee is on

  3. I think the movie The Day after Tomorrow is going to actually happen.

  4. Pretty photos. I'm afraid weather problems are going to get even worse.

  5. I already have a bad ulcer because I used to worry about EVERYTHING. I used to watch too much cable news on TV. I know whats going on, but I don't follow it and allow it to make me sick, like I used to. Now, I just try and keep busy doing the things I love and to take care of my health, both physically and mentally.

    So much tragedy in the world today.

  6. There is so much tragedy all around us but we should never allow it to distract us from appreciating the beauties of Nature or of the garden.

  7. Pretty flowers. I'll focus on the pretty flowers and not the ugly that is climate change and storms.


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