Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Onset of Fall

The calendar may say "September 4" but nature (and florists) are saying "fall".

A hurricane, a monster storm that tore up Bermuda, is threatening the Southeast coast of the United States.

Meanwhile, in upstate, New York, fall is coming.

Asters in my yard (purchased from a wildflower nursery).

Turtlehead (a wildflower that has been cultivated) in my yard  The bees love them, but I guess they had decided it was too late in the day when I took this picture.

Finally, a fall display where I work in downtown Binghamton, New York.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Binghamton, preparations are being made for our major fall...I mean late summer...festival, LUMA.

But we are thinking of our fellow citizens down south, and the dangers they are facing.

Climate change has arrived.


  1. Dorian...I've got cousins on the coast of Florida, I've got cousins in Myrtle's scary.

  2. Hi Alana - yes Fall is coming ... and I too hope the dreadful Dorian will pass the coast safely by ... she's really ruined the Bahamas ... so sad. All the best - Hilary

  3. I've been enjoying the late summer flowers in my neighborhood, too.

    My wall calendar at work still says August. Not quite ready to turn the page.

    Hoping for the best for those in Dorian's path and wake. Poor Bahamians. :(

  4. You may be feeling fall, but we don't really get a sense of a season change until October, sometimes November.


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