Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Glass Farmers Market #WordlessWednesday #blogboost

The glass farmers market in Corning, New York (the Museum of Glass)

At first it's just a display of fall mums and decorations.

But then you begin to notice...something a little different about the pumpkins on the right.

You look a little harder....

...and enjoy all the glass pumpkins.  Different sizes, different colors, all beautiful, all made by artisans (many local to the Northeast United States).

The glass farmers market is closed now (it closed on Monday) but seeing the glass pumpkins at the Museum of Glass was a real treat.  And yes, I bought one.

Joining Esha and Natasha for #WordlessWednesday and also Sandee and her Wordless Wednesday.

Day 16 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. woa they are all glass!! So beautifully decorated. Lovely photos.

  2. What beautiful fall photos to start my day! We have a large purple mum like the one in your last picture! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Mine are ceramic. And are used all over my suka! I should get some of those blown glass ones!

  4. Oh how delightful. I love the glass pumpkins.

  5. Thank you dear Alana for taking us through a tour of the Glass Farmers market. Such delectable colours and display.

    Have a fantastic autumn. <3

  6. Wonderful pictures! That must have been a great exhibit.

  7. Fall has some fabulous colors. So warm and welcoming.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  8. Glass!! Wow! The artisans have done a good work.

  9. Beautiful display of glass pumpkins and thanks so much for sharing these with us and joining our #ww linky party, dear Alana!
    Look forward to your lovely photos this week too! Have a lovely week ahead.


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