Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Nature Announces Spring #WordlessWednesday

This picture says it all for the winter weary of the Binghamton, New York area.

Nature has announced spring, 2020.

The snow has been replaced by...

...blooming heather in the Broome County Library garden.

Also snowdrops in a couple of places I wasn't able to photograph.

It's official.  SPRING!  We still will have wintry weather for a while, but now that we know it's on the way, we can rejoice.

Joining the following Wordless Wednesday bloghops:

Sandee at Comedy Plus
Esha and Natasha at #WordlessWednesday

And while I am at it, a happy birthday to a childhood friend I lost touch with years ago.  Maybe one day, we will find each other.


  1. We are hoping it gets cold and snows again as we are not ready for spring, but this winter has been a real dud with weather that is too warm. Enjoy your spring.

  2. Alana,

    Signs of spring are visible. I can't believe this weekend we set the clocks forward an hour. I really wish that madness would stop but anyhow, we'll have an extra hour of sunlight in the evenings. The funny thing is our days are getting longer anyhow. Oh the silliness of man! :)

  3. Yay! Time to celebrate!! Isn't it wonderful that Spring has arrived? I'm so happy that I'll get to see some amazing photos from your part of the world now, with the beautiful spring blossoms and all.

    In my part of the world, we are waiting eagerly for the rains because it hasn't rained in months now, and with the soil parched and dry and the air so polluted, we need a downpour very soon.

    Thanks for sharing the arrival of spring and for linking up with us this week, Alana!
    Happy #ww and blessed week ahead.

  4. Happy Spring , Happy Wednesday and Happy Week!

  5. Pretty. Spring is my favorite of all seasons.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. I love to see the heather. My heather garden is in full flower now. We have had such a mild winter, but record rainfall that the snowdrops were out at Christmas, a whole month earlier than usual.
    Wordless Wednesday:

  7. A lovely treat to see :)

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World


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