Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Strangest Easter

Deserted streets. Almost empty highways.  Many stores closed.  A hush descends.

The birds sing and the wind blows, and it feels so strange.

Many people are feeling that right now as we find new ways to survive and thrive in our "new normal".  Today is Easter, a time when many families get together.  For years, we drove about 150 miles to have dinner with one of my spouse's cousins in a New York City suburb.

That's out.  We are left with our thoughts, a feeling of various emotions, as we spend time watching flowers starting to bloom, and spring unfold in upstate New York.

For my spouse and I, Easter was low key.  No family, although I texted with one of my cousisn and spoke to another on the phone.  I also texted with one of my spouse's cousins.

Easter dinner? Just the two of us, and I am grateful for the company.

These came from my late mother-in-law.

These cherry trees, early bloomers in a neighborhood near us, are courtesy of Mother Nature.

 It's a bit gloomy and breezy, but it is spring, and that is what matters.  The cherry trees bloom for just a short time, and we treasure their blooms for that reason.  We hope our social distance situation is temporary, too. 

Has this Easter been strange for you, too?

Sunday is an off day for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  I resume tomorrow, with the letter K.


  1. We don't celebrate Easter so this weekend has been like any other for us. I have found it interesting that may people have talked about the social activities they will miss, but on this, the holiest day in the Christian calendar, I have not see a single post about missing a church service. I guess it just shows how secular religious events have become. Stay well.

  2. It’s been a strange day. But better days are coming.

  3. I've never been a big Easter person, so this was always going to be just another day to me. It's been nice and low-key.

  4. I hope you were able to have a happy Easter, none-the-less.

  5. Strange and sad. I woke up and it was raining and I felt depressed. Here it was Easter Sunday and no place was open. Later the sun came out and I ate lunch on the deck and read a little and felt better. I heard baby birds in a birdhouse. So all was good.

  6. Happy Easter! Its inspiring that you have found so much to rejoice despite amid the lockdown.. Its been eerie in this part of the world too..

  7. Yes, also a strange Easter. Glad you got through it. I was able to do a Zoom call with my family, most of whom are in the CNY area. It was odd for us all to be online instead of eating Easter Bread and a big meal together. But we all need to stay safe and well.


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