Monday, May 11, 2020

Mothers Families and Little Richard #MusicMovesMe

It's the day after Mother's Day and it's time for Music Moves Me.

Who are the members of Music Moves Me ?  We are bloggers who blog with music each Monday. If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only- Please post containing links to You Tube or Vimeo for actual music.  Other posts are subject to removal or labeling as "No Music".)  Every other week we have a theme and on alternate weeks we have "You Pick".  

Our conductors? First, there is XmasDolly.  Her chief co-conductor is Cathy of Curious as a Cathy. Her other co-conductors are Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, and me.  

For May, our guest conductor is Cynthia at Ccol4him's Claymania.  

Cynthia's theme for today is:  Songs about Mom or Family.

Why am I thinking about this in a slightly different way?  It could be because part of my childhood was not in a nuclear family - after my mother died I was raised by my father, a single Dad, who had to be both Mom and Dad to me.  I owe so much to him!

Families come in all shapes and forms, and there are many women out there who are Moms and not biological Moms.  And there are families of all sorts.

Our House by Madness is one of my favorite songs about family.  So upbeat.

And then there is Welcome to the Family, by Avenged Sevenfold a nice dose of something heavier.

A fun song (sort of)  Fountains of Wayne and Stacy's Mom.

This is such a touching song about family: Lukas Graham - 7 Years.

This has also been a sad week in the music world.  So many artists have been taken from us in the past few months.  This time, we mourn Little Richard, who was 87 years old.

So many good songs to choose from - this time I will choose Land of a Thousand Dances. 

If you want more, here you go.

And that's a wrap! See you again,  dear music lover, same time, same place, same station!


  1. Hey Alana,

    I hope your Mother's Day was as lovely as you are, my friend! I am happy that you also remember the late Little Richard with your song tribute at the end. *applauds* I meant to revise my post but forgot. Yeah, shame on me! I liked your song choices, especially 'Stacy's Mom'. It's a fun song and vid. That poor little girl had no clue, did she? Have a boogietastic week. Take care and be well, my dear! xx

  2. There will NEVER be another Little Richard. He brought so much to rock 'n roll that we have never given him credit for. I always like a little gravel in the vocals and he brought the gravel second only to Ray Charles but nobody brought more energy to the platform that Richard. Thanks for remembering him this morning.

  3. Enjoyed the music, especially the last video, thank you. Too many lost. Reeling.

  4. What comes to mind first for me is We Are Family by Sister Sledge. Now that'll probably be my earworm for the rest of the day.

  5. Stacy’s mom has got it going on .... it was my daughter’s favorite when she was 13

  6. Beautiful songs and sad that Little Richard passed away.

  7. I never heard most of these songs. Thanks for the education. (Our House- that one I knew well. But, didn't know the artist was madness. And, of course, Little Richard....)

  8. Never knew Little Richard did... Land of a Thousand Dances

  9. So many I've never been introduced to either, but you sure brought down the house girlfriend! Good job! Woo Hoo!

  10. Little Richard was a great man💗Great songs, Alana, Granny didn't know what to expect of the first song...and forgot to drop the volume of her earphone...MOL...😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞


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