Friday, June 19, 2020

Goodbye to Spring #SkywatchFriday

Summer starts tomorrow.

It's going to be such a different summer than almost any summer in our lives, we can all agree.

But sunrises are still sunrises, and sunsets are still sunsets, and nature puts on a show for us whether we are watching or not.

I've been negligent on my sunrises (asleep, mostly) and sunsets (too tired) but on Wednesday night, I literally dragged myself out there, barefoot (not a great idea), to watch what was unfolding.
The sun angle isn't convenient to get to the action where my house is situated, but I didn't want to walk too far.  Here, I think it was about 10 minutes before sunset.
And there are those pesky overhead wires.
A few minutes later, it was coloring up (same view as picture #1)
I walked west a little more.

A different angle.

Good night, sun.

Today would have been my late best friend's birthday.  I bid, on her birthday, farewell to spring, and hope for positive change in our world.  Every day, every sunrise, every sunset, is a chance to make our world better.

Joining Yogi and the other bloggers who watch the sky each Friday on #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Beautiful photos and words. I guess shoes aren't required when it comes to capturing pretty sunsets!

  2. Love those sunrise pictures, I've been missing them (sleeping through them) myself.

  3. Every day, every sunrise, every sunset... is a wonderful mantra, Alana. As the summer begins to take hold, let's hope sanity tries to do the same.

  4. I know how you feel about dragging yourself out for the sunrise or the sunset. We have those pesky wires near our house too. I am glad you were brave enough to take these wonderful skywatch photographs. Be safe. Have a great weekend.

  5. Lovely series of sky photos. Sorry about the loss of your friend. I'm sure you have a lot of wonderful memories of your times together. Summer begins and it is definitely not what we would have thought of a year ago. One for the memory books.

  6. Loved your pics -- and it helps put our lives into perspective, doesn't it?

  7. Nice skyshots, don't worry about the wires. I have the software to remove the wires but I don't generally do it. They are part of the environment in which I live.

  8. It’s a glorious sunset. A reminder that there is much beauty in the world, much to be thankful for.

  9. Sorry about your friend. I understand not wanting to go too far afield for photos. The sky is still pretty.

  10. I use the same excuses for not getting sunrise and sunset photos (too early in the morning, too tired at night). So I thank you for getting out there for these beautiful photos!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


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