Monday, June 8, 2020

Jackie Jet Jazzman #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday!  It's time for some music, as I join with the music lovers of Music Moves Me.

Who are the members of Music Moves Me ?  We are bloggers who blog with music each Monday. If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only- Please post containing links to You Tube or Vimeo for actual music.  Other posts are subject to removal or labeling as "No Music".)  Every other week we have a theme and on alternate weeks we have "You Pick".  

Our guest conductor for June is Michelle from Musings and Merriment.

Michelle has picked for her theme:  "Songs that begin with the letter J".  

There are so many of them and I can only pick a handful.

Jump Into the Fire - Harry Nilsson, from 1984.

Johnny Angel - Shelley Fabares (I've had this on my blog recently but I don't mind repeating it.) which I found, a little to my surprise, that this is actually a cover. 

Jackie Blue - the Ozark Mountain Daredevils, from 1974.

Jet City Woman - Queensryche, from 1990.

Jazzman - Carole King, from 1975.

Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody - instead of  the David Lee Roth cover I am more familiar with, I decided to go with the Louis Prima cover.  I read on You Tube that  Just a Gigolo actually dates from 1929 and I Ain't Got Nobody from 1915.  Two oldies but goodies!

And that, music lovers, is a wrap!

Same time, same place next Monday. 


  1. Harry Nilsson was such a talent. Thanks for bringing him to the dance floor. "Johnny Angel" crossed my mind and it is definitely from the Wayback machine. Carole King is priceless and any playlist is incomplete without one of her tunes. Thanks for sharing your choices.

  2. With the exception of the heavy metal, these tunes were yanked out of the dark recesses of my mind. (Not so necessary for Johnny Angel, Jazzman, or Prima's Just a Gigolo.)
    Thanks for the stirrings.

  3. You're right, there are way too many your choices, I also picked Jackie Blue. Carole King is a favorite. And the Louis Prima cover...

  4. That would have been a tough one for me, but you made it look easy, as you do with all of the themes. Love Carole King, glad you included her.

  5. Such cool songs. Thanks for sharing them. Very nice.

  6. Great picks! I had one of these and can't believe I forgot the rest.

  7. Total fun today, Alana! Now I have Johnny Angel stuck in my head! ;)

  8. Alana,

    I went with "Jazzman" as one of my picks today, too. "Just a Gigolo" is a fun song. :) Thanks for putting a smile on my face with that title selection. Have a boogietastic week, my friend. Stay safe and be well! ;)

  9. I'm so glad you included "Jet City Woman"! That was one of my favorite songs back in the day, and it slipped my mind this go-round. Sorry, Queensryche! Also happy to see "Jackie Blue". I think Songbird included it in her list as well, and I mentioned that I had come close to using it myself. But I decided to save it for another day.

    You have some great selections this week!


  10. Wow, you really went back there. My Mom use to play Louis Prima all the time & I'm trying to think of the tune she use to play & I'll be dam if I can remember. Shoot! Oh well, great job girlfriend. You really rocked the house with these. That Just a Gigolo I remember when it came out about... oh shoot I think I was in my late 30's early 40's & the whole bar would open up in song when it came on. hahahaha


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