Friday, July 31, 2020

Where The Path Lead #SkywatchFriday

Skywatch Friday, hosted every Friday by Yogi, brings together bloggers who watch the sky.  So, when I posted about a flood wall path last Friday, I was not expecting my readers to zero in on a path along a floodwall in my area of upstate New York.  I wondered where it went and my readers wanted to know.

So, is today the beginning of a new meme called Pathwatch Friday?  Not really.  But what I am going to show you demonstrates a truth that photography has taught me.  Enjoy.

I took these pictures on one side of the flood wall.

It's really pretty along the river, where the Queen Anne's Lace is blooming.

Love those puffy clouds and that blue river.  If you see little dots in the river, those are birds floating along.

And then, there's the other side of the flood wall.  Let's change our view just a little.

What I was showing you before is on the left.  Let's switch to the right.  Do you see something in the far right middle?

We are getting close to the end here.  You can barely see a highway. Actually, at this point, the path was disappearing under tall weeds, and I didn't want to get a tick on me.  So I stopped before the very end.  The truth is, one side of the path looks over the back of an outdoor shopping plaza and the path dead ends at a main thoroughfare.

There's a lesson here.  If you look beyond the obvious, you may find views well worth photographing.

Want more?  Click the link to Yogi's blog at the top of my post and happy skywatching!


  1. ...the Queen Anne's Lace has been gorgeous this year!

  2. Very nice photos, looks like a great place to take a walk

  3. It looks like such a nice path, and walk by the river, no wonder you take it often. If you don't look at the shopping center you can imagine it isn't there!

  4. I was one of those people who wanted to know, so thanks for taking me down the path. It's sad, though, to hear that it ends at a highway and shopping mall, somehow that wasn't the end I had in mind for it.

  5. It is so beautiful there! Gorgeous pictures and thank you for answering our questions!
    I imagine that the path you were on was once a road. So my mind takes me back to when it was in use and what everything looked like then.
    But that is a whole different story!

  6. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing them.

  7. It's amazing how much beauty is right in our back yards.

  8. Indeed! Sometimes we need to look a little harder.


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