Saturday, September 12, 2020

And Like a Dream

And like a dream, 2020 continues.

Now summer is almost gone.  Also, maybe part of the West Coast of our United States.  

It's chilling seeing what is happening.  I know some of these people posting those pictures or announcing they are under evacuation orders.  Years ago, I was in a (relatively small) fire. The event happened in Staten Island, a borough of New York City, and is still called Black Saturday.  But it gave me a taste (I was 10 at the time) of how deadly and quick fire can be.

May today not be a Black Saturday for the West Coast.  Meanwhile, on the East Coast, the Southern Tier of New York State to be exact...

The calendar says September 12 but the chill morning says otherwise.  The temperature dipped into the low 50's this morning.  There may be scattered frost early next week.  Soon it will be time for me to triage my outdoor plants and see what I want to bring indoors, or take cuttings of.

In the meantime, nature is decorating, too.

New York (I think) asters - I saw my first ones yesterday.


Purple loosestrife, invasive but pretty.

Woodland sunflower and goldenrod.

White turtlehead.

At a veggie stand, purple and white cauliflower.

Grapes (these are not your normal white grapes; they are a small variety).

White acorn squash. 

So, the dream that is 2020 continues, sometimes nightmare, sometimes seasonal, sometimes interesting.

May your dreams not be nightmares.


  1. Beautiful photos. I have never given asters the credit they deserve. I have two small plants that grew from mixed seeds in the front yard that are blooming quite like those in color. I can't get out to photograph them right now because of nasty air!
    People so misjudge the speed of fire. They hesitate to evacuate, thinking they have lots of time. I am near the small city of Central Point, OR, and the entire city was ordered to evacuate the other day. It was pointed out the city has an area of just under 4 square miles, and the fire could be 12mph. An area larger than the city was burning nearby at the same time. So, if you are told to evacuate, evacuate!

  2. I've never seen purple cauliflower...

  3. ...yep, cauliflower isn't just white anymore.

  4. Amazing blooms.Purple cauliflower is quite rare scene in India.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here

  5. Just when you think 2020 can't get any worse. . .


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