Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Butterfly Moment #WordlessWednesday

Shhh, butterfly, I'm sneaking up on you.

I've seen so many monarch butterflies this year.  It could be the amount of time I've been spending outdoors.

This one alighted while I was exercise walking and patiently waited for me to get up close. My guess is this is one of the monarchs that are in the midst of their fall migration,

What a miracle their migration is.  In the fall, they migrate some 3,000 miles to Mexico.  In the spring the migration takes several generations for the return.  Finally, sometime next year, we will see them here in upstate New York.

Perfect for a #WordlessWednesday.


Joining up with Sandee's Comedy Plus  for her Wordless Wednesday.


Joining up with Natasha at Natasha's Musing for her #WordlessWednesday


  1. Beautiful capture!
    I recently heard about the butterfly migration... they were supposed to be flying across Bengaluru sometime in the last week or so. One of nature's marvels!!

    Priya (

  2. Butterflies are amazing. Watching then is such a delightful thing to do.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. They are one of the most amazing creatures on earth .. I saw a documentary of their migration and I was in total awe of it .. such delicate creatures enduring such dangers and difficult conditions to go "home" touches your heart .. how can you not love them and the work they do as pollinators .. beautiful photo !

  4. It's so helpful when they pose for you.

  5. Lovely capture. Yes we are getting time to spend with nature and on the other hand nature & its beings are thriving :)

    The positive side of us 'humans' slowing down and being in lockdown.

  6. Dear Alana,

    Just love to see you sharing your Monarch butterfly moment with us on #WW. I am really blessed to have butterflies alighting on my hands and shoulders at times.
    It feels like angels whispering out to me.

    I'm back with a new logo. Tell me what you think?
    Love and light <3


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