Friday, October 9, 2020

Fall is Flying #SkywatchFriday

Fall in New York State.  Apples, pumpkins, and lots of clouds in the sky.

When the sun is out, nature celebrates with a tree show.  The burning bush on the left is a bonus.

Some of the geese are migrating, or at least, showing a lot of restlessness.  They are a bit hard to see, but I managed to take three pictures.  In the first one, you can barely see the geese (look on the lower right, where the power lines are).

This wasn't that great either (look between the tallest tree and the large cloud in the botton third) but I liked the clouds, so I'm including it.
Bingo! (Upper middle.)

Sky along the Susquehanna River.

Finally, I say farewell to the October sky for this week with this shot.

As Yogi, who hosts this meme says:  The sky doesn't care about the pandemic... It just does its thing. Contemplate the sky is what I say.

Joining up with Yogi and the other sky watching bloggers at #SkywatchFriday. 

Come visit more of us and celebrate the sky.


  1. I'm here, too, and hoping to drink some cider soon!
    Carol Cassara

  2. Is that where the geese get to?

  3. The geese families are restless here, too. Babies in training as they prepare for the LONG trip! Gorgeous skies! I absolutely love that picture of the Susquehanna River!

  4. Although I don't always like the weather that clouds hint is coming, they sure are beautiful in the sky. I love the picture of the 2 that look like they're sandwiching the blue sky between them.

  5. I like Yogi's quote. I also like your beautiful skies!

  6. I love the tree in the first photo. What a spectacular display. We are a little behind you in color.

    Thank you for quoting me. I had second thoughts about the quote when I thought about the hazy skies caused by the fires out west but decided to go with it anyway.

  7. Hi Alana - I think the colours are going to be great this year ... while the birds are certainly gearing up to fly away. Well done on the geese ... take care - Hilary

  8. Love the photos .. I am definitely a sky watcher .. I saw Mars last night and it was shocking how bright it was ... I had to get my husband to look as well because I thought it might be a UFO ! LOL
    The sky always has a spiritual feeling for me .. not religious .. just that special connection with nature that you can feel.


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