Saturday, November 14, 2020

Fall's Swan Song

The trees are bare or practically so.  The great color explosion of fall has ended.  But nature senses that it isn't quite yet time for winter.

Now it's time for Nature to bring on the small stuff.

Bushes turn color.

Rose hips redden.

Mums still bloom.  These I found nestled under a bare apple tree.

Carpets of leaves go on forever.

Geese fly, not necessarily south anymore.

In my yard, the flowers of blackberry lilies are long gone, but the seeds, which look just like blackberries, have burst their pods.

Why not join me tomorrow also, for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and get another dose of natural beauty?


  1. Hello Alana ! Thank you for stopping by my blog ;-)
    I was actually out in the garden today (which was a beautiful sunny cool day without being windy, makes things easier to do right ? LOL)
    I planted the last lily bulbs and crossed my fingers that all will go well with the total sum of all the bulbs I planted this Fall.
    Yes this witch hazel craze I have ... I have had it for years but just now was able to plant a tiny "tree" ..they grow very slowly so I don't know if I will see it mature .. it will be so pretty !
    You have some gorgeous plants here .. I love those bright red rose hips, the mums are lovely and that carpet of leaves is gorgeous.
    Autumn is way too short for me .. it always leaves me wanting more !
    Take care .. stay safe and well !

  2. Nothing is blooming here in North Idaho.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  3. We still have autumn here. Many trees still have their leaves, while others are bare. Our back yard is full of leaves and bits and pieces of leaves are getting tracked into the house. Your photos are lovely. I love the "small stuff."

  4. Autumn is proceeding in fits and starts here, as it usually does. One day it's summer, next day it's fall, then back to summer again. But the garden is winding down.

  5. ...we have wall to wall leaf carpets here too.


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