Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Chicken Santa Hunt Mystery (With a Song)

Sometimes it's interesting when you spend a lot of time in your neighborhood.

Yesterday we took a short drive and, in front of the old high school on our Main Street, there was a Santa standing out on the sidewalk, waving to the traffic going by.

Not this Santa

Maybe it was a toy drive - a nearby parking lot seemed to have a lot of cars - but I haven't been able to find out what was going on.

Then, today, we took a neighborhood walk.  Someone else in our neighborhood, walking his dog, waved to us.  "Did you see the chickens on (name of street)? he asked.


Not the chickens in our neighborhood but maybe the same breed

"Well", he continued, I saw two chickens walking down the road just a few minutes ago. They were brownish."

This led into a short discussion on whether chickens are legal in the town where we live.

I knew, a couple of years ago, they weren't allowed and I can't find anything saying they are.  But, moving on...

We walked up and down that street.  No chickens.  Didn't hear any, either.   

While we were walking, the sun came out.

It brought back memories of when spouse and I owned chickens, over 30 years ago.  It brought back memories of chicken fat.

So, how about ending this Sunday post with a song called Chickens for Christmas? 


  1. We can have chickens in my city. People think they can't have roosters, but the law is just "no noise" and I think "odors." Of course, that usually does mean roosters! The neighbors have one, and I like to hear it. Unfortunately, it lives next door to a man who sleeps days, so I don't know how that will end. I thought I wanted some, but then worked in a farm and ranch store, selling chicks and supplies. They are far too much work and worry! I can buy fresh eggs in nearly every neighborhood.

    1. As much as I like chickens (and I enjoyed having them, roosters and all, in the four years I lived out in the country), I'm not sure I would permit roosters in city surroundings. I was so ignorant growing up in NYC, I thought they only crowed at dawn! Not....

  2. We raised chickens for several years and enjoyed them tremendously. They are actually quite charming, lovable animals. I may be prejudiced because caring for the chickens was one of my jobs on the farm when I was growing up. I've always had a soft spot for them.

    1. I enjoyed chickens a lot in the four years I was able to keep them. They aren't for everyone, but I could spend hours watching them.

  3. I live in an rural area, and had chicken before. I like fresh eggs.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. I like fresh eggs, too, but nowadays I have to buy them at a farm store, and right now they are either closed for the season or about to close (Christmas Eve).

  4. Keeping chickens seems to be enjoying a resurgence.


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