Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Let's Have a Winter Picnic (Not) #WordlessWednesday

A rare winter day in a neighborhood we haven't explored in a long time brought us a surprise.

Snow prevented us from entering this park, but some animals didn't seem to have a problem.  Let's see what else we can find.

The entrance was blocked, true, but I was able to see an interesting picnic pavilion from the road.  The pavilion shows the name of the park, which is is covered in mosaics  Not a day for a picnic today, though.

Spring will be here.  One day.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her (not mine!) #WordlessWednesday.



  1. ...from my window we are having a wonderful winter day. But after filling the bird feeders I will stay inside and enjoy the snow and sun from inside.

  2. So much snow!

    We had springlike weather here yesterday, but today it's back to winter, with more snow expected tomorrow.

  3. LOL! As beautiful as winter is, not picnic weather - LOL!

  4. Well, spring is sure to come and we will all go on picnics. I think they remained among the few ways to have fun, in the conditions of the pandemic.
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  5. Yes to cold for a picnic, but I'd love to go on a picnic right now. Someplace warm and inviting. We can dream.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. The picnic in winter is fun. But now the fire is missing...
    Thank you and Happy WW!

  7. Snow! We are a little tred of all that has fallen and the cold, but today...the sun is shining and it is melting and it is glorious! We hoe you have a totally AWESOME day!

  8. That would have been a rather brisk picnic.

  9. It looks very pretty, but definitely not picnic weather.


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