Monday, February 22, 2021

Where Did Our Love Go? #MusicMovesMe


Welcome to another edition of Music Moves Me!

Who are the #MusicMovesMe bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only , please!)   First, there is XmasDolly,   Her co-hostesses are: Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, and me. Xmas Dolly has had some issues with her blog, but I hope she is able to join us today.

Each month we have a guest co-hostess who picks themes for the month, and this month we are featuring Songbird from Songbird's Crazy World.

Songbird's theme for today is "You Pick".

Shamefully, given how much I loved the Supremes while growing up, I never paid tribute to the late Mary Wilson of the Supremes.  This talented singer and author, who also performed solo, died in her sleep at the age of 76 on February 8.
You Can't Hurry Love.

Stop! In the Name of Love.

Where Did our Love Go?  It's interesting that so many Supremes songs talked about love, something we don't seem to have enough of today.
 Here's a short clip of Mary Wilson singing "Floy Joy".

Finally, a longer clip of Mary Wilson performing Gloria Gaynor's hit song "I Will Survive".


Bonus song. Motown was such a part of my growing up, and Smoky Robinson is one of its most influential artists.  Smoky Robinson just celebrated his 81st birthday, so let's give him a birthday shout-out with a live performance of "Tracks of My Tears" from 2018.
Where has our love for each other gone?  I hope we can find it soon, without more sorrow.

That's a wrap!

See you again next Monday, same time same place.


  1. Alana,

    I'm not sure I recall hearing this news of Mary Wilson's passing. She was on DWTS a couple of seasons back. We enjoyed watching her perform as she was having a lot of fun. I did a quick check on the case of her death but the article said there was no known reason at this time. She's my mother's age. Every time I read of a celebrity passing close in age to my parents it makes shutter as I wonder how much time will I have with them but then my number in life could be called before theirs. We know not the hour or the day, do we? Oh well...this is sad news to read of Mary's passing. But, oh my what a joyful occasion to celebrate Smoky Robinson's 81st birthday! Happy Birthday Smoky!! Thanks to the music these legends leave for us to enjoy now and for generations to come. Have a boogietastic day, my dear!!

  2. Nice tribute to Mary Wilson.

    I had the pleasure of seeing Smokey perform a few years ago.

  3. Excellent playlist from a lady who helped introduce the world to MoTown. The Supremes were perhaps the most successful female group ever and they came along during my high school years. The sixties might just be the greatest decade of pop music. Thanks for sharing a great playlist today.

  4. I think you are just a tiny bit older (maybe just a couple of years), but I think music changed drastically during our youth. Anyway, I never gave much thought to The Supremes, but I love You Can't Hurry Love, Stray Cats version. I think Brian Setzer has pretty much the perfect voice.

  5. Thanks for making my Monday special. These were the songs of my teen years. And, I had the opportunity to see them mesmerize me close up and live.

  6. Such great and classic music. Very nice.

  7. That band in Heaven just gets better and better! I SO loved the Supremes! Glorious memories!!!

  8. Great set here! I haven't heard "Floy Joy" in I don't know how long...


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