Thursday, July 15, 2021

July 2021 Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

It's the 15th of the month, and once again Carol at May Dreams Gardens summons us for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  Once again, I greet long time visitors and new bloggers alike to my garden:  Welcome to my zone 5b garden in the Southern Tier of New York State.  It's July 15, summer is at its height (according to me) and it is wet.

Too wet.  Stop, rain, stop!  I've been fortunate.  I haven't been affected by the flash flooding or power outages - yet.   But many people here have.

Some of my plants are getting ready to bloom - hibiscus, tall phlox, cosmos, blackberry lily.  Maybe I can show you some next month.   But the chief perennial in my beds - day lilies - are in full bloom.

Now, morning is breaking, and the day lilies are stretching and yawning.

Despite (or maybe because of?) all the rain, many of my plantings are thriving.  It's time to celebrate, because the day lilies are in bloom. I have so many, in fact, that I am going to gather them in collages.

 I am the world's worst record keeper, but I know where these next ones above came from -Grace Gardens near Penn Yan, New York. They are having an open house this Saturday.
Also from Grace Gardens.  Upper right, more just opening day lilies.  The variety "may" be Bubbly, a short double.

Finally, last of the Grace Gardens set.  On the right is a fully open Bubbly (maybe).

 I've gotten day lilies from various sources over the years.  At least one (I bought two but I don't think one made it through our winters) came from a major garden show in Charleston, South Carolina.  Some came from sales at our local botanical gardens. 

Several from a sale were from a garden in Pennsylvania, donated when the man who owned them could no longer care for his daylilies. 

Daylilies aren't the only flower in bloom.  Here, a cranesbill geranium.

Hosta.  I have several types.


My one lemon gem marigold plant.  No idea why the others didn't do well.

Not all my petunias.  I got lazy.

I have two everbearing ornamental strawberries in a hanging basket. One has pink flowers and one is white flowered.  Only one is blooming right now.  Yes, the fruit of both is edible but they don't produce all that much.  And, we must safeguard the fruit from birds.

A cucumber flower.  Once again, we are trying to grow cucumbers in a large container because we don't have room in our small front yard (the only place in almost full sun) for a veggie garden.  We rarely succeed in getting more than a handful.  For some reason, cucumbers just never do well for us.

I do know what this is, although I will probably mangle the name.  Loosestrife Lysimarchia "firecracker", was sold to us by our local botanical gardens. I wonder if they were trying to get rid of it, because this stuff is invasive (full disclosure, they did warn us it could spread easily).  On the other hand, it stays fresh in a bouquet for days. The leaves are a beautiful purple, but I honestly would not recommend this to anyone with a small space.

Our pansies are hanging in there. I have some more but this is what my back permitted.

Wild basil.
In our part shade to shade back, most plants are in between bloom, so here are a couple of my fuchsias.

I have so much more but I am running low on energy.  So thank you, Carol, for once again hosting this monthly meme.  I hope you enjoyed my flowers, and will visit some other participants (link at the top of my post).

Anything growing at your house or garden?


  1. Wow! You certainly have lots of day lilies. So many varieties and so many colors! Love it!

  2. You do have a remarkable collection of daylilies, but all your blooms are lovely. Happy Bloom Day.

  3. Your plants are so beautiful! We have tons of cactus and succulents which is good because we are in a drought. But our tomatoes and herbs are doing well. Zone 10.

  4. Both roses and hibuscus are going nuts right now!
    Carol Cassara

  5. ...daylilies are coming in to their own now. I just cut the spelt flower stalks off some of my hostas.

  6. Ah! Wild basil! I have NEVER seen anyone have it! I LOVE wild basil! I love how it crawls up into my coreopsis and peeks purple through all the yellow. It spreads so nicely, not aggressively, but eagerly.
    Wow, you do have some daylilies! I am envious...

  7. Wait. How did it get to be the 15th already? This month is zooming by... Very pretty blooms.

  8. If only I could grow flowers like these!

  9. So many pretty flowers! We got weeds growing here lol.


  10. Beautiful flowers! I have only a few outdoors now that I have a small balcony space.

  11. I'd not heard of Wild Basil- not sure we have it here in the NorthWest- but we do have Loosestrife, Day Lilies, Hostas and Nasturtiums plus the usual suspects known as pansies, marigolds etc. We also have huckleberries ( the rabbits ate the blossoms,,,argh ) and Red Currant bushes. Our daughter lives part time in her little house in Upstate NY in Cragsmoor. When she has to be at work ( instead of working from her home ) she lives in Queens. One of these days we'll get over there!

  12. Wonderful collection of Day Lilies! Love all the other blooms too!
    My cucumbers were slow to get started this year, but I finally got a very nice one this morning, a 'Burpless Beauty'

  13. Love, love, love your flowers! My hollyhocks are up! Summer is officially here.


  15. What a riot of daylilies. It's easy to get carried away with them and most are eager growers in the right garden spot. I love all the colors of your garden. I grew a cucumber plant last year in a container garden, and after it grew up a 5 foot trellis and continued up a large shrub, I had to give it a haircut. It grew in morning sun and afternoon shade.


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