Monday, July 12, 2021

The Summer of 1971 #MusicMovesMe


It's Monday, and it is time for Music!

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only , please!)   First, there is XmasDolly.  Her co-hosts are: Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, and me. 

Each month we have a guest conductor. This month we once again welcome Songbird from Songbird's Crazy World.

Why not join us?  We'd love to have you.

Songbird's theme for today is:  "You Pick" so we can pick what we want.  I'm moved today to pick the summer of 1971.  So hard to believe it's been 50 years.

Here are some of my favorite songs from the summer of 1971.

Daddy Dewdrop and  "Chick-A-Boom (Don't Ya Jes' Love It)"

Carole King - It's Too Late.

You've Got a Friend - James Taylor, written in January 1971 by Carole King. Both James Taylor and Carole King won Grammy's for this song.

"Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)" by Paul Revere and the Raiders.  True, the terms "Indian" and "Red Man" are frowned upon now, but interestingly, it was written by John Loundermilk and first recorded in 1959 by Marvin Rainwater, a rockabilly star of the 1950's. Rainwater's name of the song was "The Pale Faced Indian" and that, Paul Revere and Loudermilk's original had slightly different lyrics.  Rainwater claimed to be 1/4 Cherokee.  I never knew Paul Revere's version was a cover until I researched this song.

The Doors' Riders on the Storm was released in June of 1971, shortly before Jim Morrison died.  I owned the album, and must have played it a million times (at least).

Last but not least - The Who and Won't Get Fooled Again. 

And that's a summer wrap!

Join me again next week for more music.


  1. ...I know them all, but Daddy Dewdrop and "Chick-A-Boom" is new to me.

  2. Wow did these ever bring back memories! It really is crazy that 1971 was 50 years ago. Where did the time go?!

  3. Many of your choices I would have chosen myself. PBS sometimes shows the old Carole King/James Taylor Live at the Troubador and I always try to catch it.

  4. I know a lot of these songs from the summer of 1971! It was the summer before my freshmen year of high school! The moment I saw the title of your blog post, the first song that came to mind was Maggie Mae by Rod Stewart. The radio station we listened to played it almost constantly. In fact they had a contest that lasted about a week that you had to record when they played the song and send it in. If you had the correct number of when they played it, you were entered into a drawing to win a prize I don't remember, lol. We played along, got into the drawing, but didn't win :)


  5. "Chick-a-boom" was used on one of the Saturday morning cartoon shows...and now I have those images running through my head.

  6. All favourites today, Alana! And now Chick-A-Boom is running through my head. Don't you just love it?!

  7. Actually, it's not hard for me to believe it's been 50 years. I turn 50 this month, so I'm all too familiar with this passage of time.

  8. Never heard the 1rst one- and my ex was a fan of Paul Revere so I might have heard it (or retched). The Who, the Doors, Carole and James- they were my go to listens. Thanks for the memories.

  9. Awesome pickins' & songs! Girlfriend please, PLEASE I know you're on and you really get around and do yours so well. Do you have time to teach me? Cathy is trying to teach me over at Wordpress, but I'm just not getting it. Do you have time to teach me and how much does it cost??? I use to do it and had it all downpat.... If you don't have time it's okay... I'll ask John maybe. I just hope he can keep a secret. Love ya girl... let me know asap! HUGS

  10. Alana,

    I've always liked Carol King. I remember her from the 70s quite well and loved nearly everything she came up with. She's such a talented songwriter and vocalist. I'm with you on finding it hard to believe 1971 was 50 years ago. Time is like a speeding bullet. I read a little about the backstory of "Indian Reservation" a few years ago. That's when I learned Paul Revere's version is a cover. In MSM "Indian" and "Red Man" aren't PC labels but I have to wonder is really offensive to these folks? I've heard Indians referring to themselves as "Indians" on TV shows and when we're in Cherokee on the reservation many business use "Indian" on their signs. Oh well, I'm rambling as usual. I just find this interesting that it's usually others who are offended by such terms instead of those who are supposedly offended. Does that makes sense? :) Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me, darling. Have a boogietastic week!

  11. '71 was quite a year for me, and I remember all of these too well.


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