Sunday, August 1, 2021

A Tribute to Dusty Hill

Dusty Hill, the bass player for ZZ Top for over 50 years, died in his sleep July 27 at the age of 72.

I have to admit here (please hold your boos) that ZZ Top was not my favorite band.  In a way, that may have been because of their success.  After a time, some of their songs became (to me) overplayed.  I can't put my finger on why I never became a big fan of theirs.  My loss.

That doesn't diminish the talent of that group, or of Dusty Hill.  Especially if you are Texan (and I did live in Texas for a big eight and a half months or so, back in the mid 1970's - does that make me a Texan? Probably not), at least one ZZ Top may be on your playlist.

I am concentrating on songs where Dusty Hill was the lead singer (the first two).  These are all live performances.

 The hit "Tush".

The sound isn't the best on this, but it had such power, I wanted to include it. Dusty Hill singing on the classic "Jailhouse Rock."  This blew me away!

Finally, I couldn't resist John Fogerty performing with ZZ Top (Dusty Hill mentioned in the video). I'm a big John Fogerty/CCR fan, and, by the end of this set, I was also a ZZ Top fan.

Rest in peace, Dusty Hill.

I will have my normal "Music Moves Me" post tomorrow.  The theme will be Friendship - songs about friendship, or with "friends" in the title.  Please join me again then.


  1. ...they had energy and hair. What more could you ask for?

    1. I like that, Tom. Energy and hair. Lots and lots of hair.

    2. ...I have a ZZ Top beard, but little on my head!

  2. I never listened to them. In fact, I just looked at their discography and didn't recognize a single song! Maybe they just didn't make it to radio in N. CA in the 70s and 80s. I see you already saw my shadow post. Glad you could, as I wasn't sure how scheduling it to post at midnight (when I would hopefully be asleep) would work. It did work!

  3. I never listened to them. In fact, I just looked at their discography and didn't recognize a single song! Maybe they just didn't make it to radio in N. CA in the 70s and 80s. I see you already saw my shadow post. Glad you could, as I wasn't sure how scheduling it to post at midnight (when I would hopefully be asleep) would work. It did work!

    1. It's interesting how various singers and groups catch on in some parts of the country, but not in other parts. I've had good luck scheduling posts in advance (mainly, my Monday posts, which I schedule for just after midnight as the Monday music group I participate in has a couple of participants in Europe.)

  4. My hubby and son are fans of ZZ Top. I would listen to their music but mainly tolerated it, lol. But I do believe Dusty Hill was very talented. He will be missed I am sure by so many!


  5. I was young in the '80s. I enjoyed ZZ Top, but mostly because of the crazy beards in their videos. I think I would have reacted to them differently had I been older. RIP.


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