Sunday, August 15, 2021

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day August 2021

 It's the 15th of August. Where has the summer gone?  Wasn't it just yesterday when we said hello to the warm weather?

Here in my zone 5b Southern Tier of New York State garden, we just got over a warm and humid spell.  I'd say "hot", but we are seeing new definitions of the word "hot" elswewhere.

Early yesterday, a cold front came through and it is so comfortable now. Friday night, we got some much needed rain.  In July, I didn't think I'd ever use the phrase "much needed rain" but that's how the weather seems to work nowadays.

Once again, so many flowers to choose from, although some of my flowers didn't last long enough to make it to August 15.  On the other hand, my Japanese anemone, hardy mums, asters and turtle head are budding up now, meaning fall is on its way.

 My day lilies are almost gone, and I took these last pictures yesterday.  

But other flowers are taking their place.  Here is my hibiscus (bottom is yellow pineapple sage, not yet flowering.)

Phlox (and a stray yellow day lily and glad).

My gladiolus (all the same color).  We didn't dig these last year and they survived the winter, probably thanks to the 44 inch snowfall we had in December.

My last hosta, which I think is Guacamole.


 A shy calendula.

Yellow nasturtium. My orchard flame nasturtiums didn't look good, but I'll photograph another time.

Nodding onion.  This is a new plant for us; we purchased at a nursery in Ithaca, New York, specializing in plants that grow wild in our area.

So many flowers, I have to make even more collages.  


An orange collage - clockwise, dahlia, the last two of my blackberry lilies, cosmos.

Variegated fuchsia in my fuchsia basket.



Finally, an assorted planter with a lemon gem marigold and geraniums.

Before I know it, the first frost will hit, and these will be a memory.

Thanking Carol at May Dreams Gardens in Indiana, who hosts this once a month meme without fail.

Stay safe, dear readers, and see you next month!


  1. Beautiful blooms! Love the last photo - a wonderful blend of colors!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. So many beauties! Do you treat lantana as an annual there? I love it, but it doesn't last even my winters, so I wondered why YOU have it! Ha!
    Still such pretty daylilies. Most of mine are so young.

    1. I've tried to overwinter geraniums (with mixed success) but never lantana. No, it definitely does not survive our winters. The only lantana I "maybe" should have tried to save was a variegated leaf one (yellow flowered)I found a couple of times locally, but not this year.

  3. Beautiful assortment of August flowers. The gladiolus reminds me of when Dad used to grow it. Always a thrill to see. I have a soft spot for petunias. Your garden is full of lovely colors.

  4. ...Alana, you have a color explosion going on, neat!

    1. I do, Tom. I'll try to remember this in December!

  5. All beautiful!! So many different colors and kinds!! What a beautiful garden you have had to enjoy!


  6. Your gladiolus looks amazing! The next town over from where I live has a Gladiola Days Festival coming in a two weeks, and everywhere you go in town, you can find these beauties.

  7. Cold weather still seems so far away, though. At least, for us, it's going to be a few months before we see it.

  8. Your glads are lovely. Haven't done them in years
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  9. Lovely pictures. Your garden is really beautiful.

  10. You have all of these in your garden? I'm bowled over, Diane! What joy this must give you. xoxox, B


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