Monday, November 1, 2021

Songs That Move Me #MusicMovesMe


It's Monday and it's time for music!  It's time for Music Moves Me.

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   First, there is XmasDolly.  Her co-hosts are: Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, and me. 

We'd love more music lovers to join us.  It's easy! All you have to do is join the linky above with a music post that contains at least one music video (there must be a music video).  And that's it! 

Cathy is requesting volunteers for to take on the one month in 2022 (except for January, March and December, which are already taken).  If you want to pick themes for a month in 2022, please email Cathy at (substitute @ for the "at" and take out the spaces) cathy at  

It's not as much work as you think! Two Mondays are "you pick" so you only have to pick two (or three, if there are five Mondays in the month) themes.  If you don't want to take on an entire month, she would appreciate suggestions for even one theme, too.  And just think of how nice it will be when you see people working on your ideas, and what they come up with.

Each month we have a guest conductor. Today, for the month of November, we welcome Driller from Driller's Place.

Driller's theme for today is "You Pick".  I'm picking songs that move me in some way.

My first song is by the band Boston.  This group came out of nowhere.  We were introduced to them by a man who served with my spouse, who was then in the military.  It was the same man who introduced us to Van Halen.

 Boston is a band I loved, and I wish they could have made more albums than they did. They had an interesting, if complex, history.   From their first album, I'm going to pick "Foreplay/Long Time".

"How Did You Love", from Shinedown is, I think, one of the best songs of the last five years.  It encourages us to think of our mortality and how we've lived our lives.

"Let It Be" from the Beatles. 

I was going to end this set with "The Only Living Boy in New York" by Simon and Garfunkel.  I can't explain what this song does to me; it just hits me on some kind of emotional level that few songs do.  Except, perhaps some other Simon and Garfunkel songs.

So why not end with another Simon and Garfunkel song? "So Long Frank Lloyd Wright".  The song is really about Art Garfunkel, who had studied to become an architect before he reached musical fame with Paul Simon.

And that is a wrap!

Join me again next week, same time, same place, for another episode of "Music Moves Me"!


  1. ...Boston is a favorite of mine!

  2. Shinedown is new to me. But the others? All my favourites!

  3. There was a couple in 8th grade with me that alwys had to dance to "The Only Living Boy In New York." Nice choices!

  4. Bridge Over Troubled Waters was one of the first albums I owned. Great choices.

  5. Such good choices! We definitely have the same taste in music!

  6. Starting with a fellow MIT'er (and its fantabulous debut), introducing me to a whole dimennsion with Shinedown, zappng back to the original era with two Paul's...
    Great journey.

  7. Good evening, Alana! I finally made it by to dance with you. Whew, it's been a week. Our staycation time has been nice. The weather has turned so chilly. We had one good day that we got to go to the mountains. The rest of the time has been spent around the house doing things. Next week, we hope to take another trip to the mountains but whatever we do, just as long as we're together then I'm happy. I enjoyed your oldie song selections and I really appreciated the introduction to Shinedown. At least I think they're new to me. At any rate, I like their sound and am curious to sample more of the songs. Have a boogietastic weekend, my dear!


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