Sunday, January 2, 2022

What's The Word for 2022?

Starting in 2016, like many others, I chose a guiding word for the year, a word that would represent my goals for the coming year.  I haven't made New Year's resolutions for years; I figured one word shouldn't be hard.

For 2016,  I chose "Determination" and then promptly forgot about the word.

For 2017, I decided perhaps I was a year too soon with that word, and chose Determination again.  In part, I said:

"DETERMINATION - not to stay silent if speaking out against hatred is needed.

DETERMINATION - to stand up against events that need standing up against.   I think about authors who have written books that have changed the world.  It is possible.  I must remember that one person CAN make a difference.  Could a blog post change the world?

DETERMINATION - to make my voice heard if the quality of life of my brother in law, who is developmentally disabled, is threatened.  

DETERMINATION - once again, that I will grow my writing, and my photography, no matter what my personal challenges are this year.  Even if it only grows a little, it will be a victory. "

Then,  I promptly forgot about the word. 

In 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 I didn't choose a word.  Why bother?

Why, now, do I feel I need to go through the word of the year exercise again?

I think back to a TIME magazine from January of 2020. It must have been an early January 2020 issue.  There was a little sidebar that talked about a mystery virus in China. I remember showing it to my son.  Oh, if only we knew what the next almost two years would bring.   

This post by the blogger who introduce me to Skywatch Friday says it best.

In 2018 I blogged "I hope I can be a good friend to my friends, old and (hopefully) new.  I hope I can be someone who will be honest, someone who will make you laugh, someone you can trust, someone who will stand by you.  And, in my own little way, perhaps I can start to change the world with one little ripple. "

I still hope for that.  I hope for so much more.

Hope is what will keep us going through the storm until we get to the other side. This time, I don't think I will forget the word for 2022 I am choosing.  I tend to be a pessimist, but that will not motivate me or others to do what is needed.

HOPE will.

That's my word for 2022.  HOPE.


  1. ...I don't choose a word, I just go through my year with a camera and photograph what looks interesting to me.

  2. Hope is always a good word for any new year.

  3. Excellent choice! Hope is what we most need!
    My word for 2022 is CLEAR. I'm HOPING we'll see clear thinking, clear water, clear air and clear skies in 2022!

  4. Lovely choice. Perhaps as a way to remember the word, you should set a reminder on your phone (iPhone has a reminder app), and commit periodically to doing a post as to how the word is working out. It could be monthly or quarterly or just a check up in June. Just a thought...


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