Friday, February 4, 2022

Before the Ice #SkywatchFriday

Welcome to a miserable day in the Southern Tier of New York.  Our country had another miserable winter storm.  Here, we were luckier than most - ice with a coating of snow over it. We are under a winter storm warning until 3pm today, with more snow expected.

Fortunately there wasn't so much ice that we lost power; just enough that we are stuck inside for a while.

So let's look at the sky from Wednesday.

Wednesday, (Groundhog Day) the sun came out and we had some partially cloudy skies. 

Let's take a peek (or two, or three).

I like these clouds, even though I know they were announcing bad weather ahead.

Bumpy weather times ahead.

Bare trees have their own character, but, to me, the best part of winter is knowing that spring is on its way.  Well, eventually.  Maybe.  After a while, it seems like winter is forever.

Winter isn't forever, though.  Let's reflect on that.

Joining Yogi and other sky watching bloggers, as I always do, for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...beautiful. Things sure changed here!

  2. I love winter generally if there is not much ice or snow. Our winters are here are a lot milder than what you have. It makes my geocaching hobby easier if I don't have to concern myself so much about snakes, ticks, and chiggers. And yes, spring will be here soon.

  3. Winter isn’t forever but it’s starting to feel that way

  4. Beautiful sky shots! I hope it starts to warm up there soon. Have a happy Friday and a great weekend. :)

  5. Yes, let's reflect on that.
    I hope the rest of the storm goes easy on you. We got lucky, it missed us.

  6. It's beautiful but cabin fever in CT is slowly sinking in. We also have an icy mix coming this afternoon. Sigh.

  7. Well, try to enjoy the time. It'll get warm and then hot, and then we'll wish for colder days.

  8. We're even having winter here in Southeast Texas and things are pretty much at a standstill. We went out to pick up our groceries this morning and the streets were deserted.

  9. Wednesday sure looked nice! Stay warm and safe.

  10. Over from Liz. Grew up in Illinois, near the Mississippi. Cooollld. Winter sucks.

  11. Greetings and Salutations! We had 7 to 10 inches of snow hit Chicagoland area. Next week we are expecting a warm up in the 30s. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the weather forecast if true. It would be nice to melt some of these hills of snow. LOL! Winter is half way done. Yea! I like the reflection photograph so much.


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