Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Red Admiral Photo Shoot #WordlessWednesday

In the third week of July, I was leaving my house.  I passed by a container of pansies (which aren't looking that great right now - they do not like heat) and saw a black and red butterfly.  It flew away but then came back and landed on a pansy. I grabbed my iPhone.

"Let's have a photo shoot", it seemed to say.  "You've been complaining about how you can't seem to photograph butterflies, so I'm making you an offer."

It spread its wings out.

 It stayed in the same place for a few seconds and shifted on the flower.

"Look at me! Make me famous!"

One last picture.

After our encounter, I looked the butterfly up. I'm somewhat new to watching and trying to ID butterflies.  Turns out it's a common butterfly in our area, called a Red Admiral. Common, maybe, but so pretty.  I'm grateful for its visit.  And now, I'm publishing its photo shoot.  Hopefully, fame and fortune will follow.  For the butterfly, anyway.  Apparently, at least, in England, they can live up to 10 months.

Here in the Southern Tier of New York, I don't know.



Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...I have yet to see one this year, perhaps soon.

  2. The flowers are beautiful, but the butterfly is even more beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. What a little narcissistic butterfly. 🤣🤣🤣

    Truly it’s a beautiful butterfly and I’m glad you got a chance to capture it in photos

  4. Stunning photo of the butterfly - sometimes they just pose for you!

  5. Lovely Red Admiral pictures. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Oh these photos of the butterfly are awesome ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Good captures the first one looks like a hat

    Have a flitterflattertastic week 👍

  8. It was time you got a cooperative butterfly :)

  9. I don't think we get them here. It's not familiar.
    But so beautiful! Well done!


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