Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Cruise-In

Earlier this week I attended an outdoor cruise-in.  There were cars dating from the 1930's all the way to the 1990's, some in excellent condition, some not so much.  There was everything there from Mustangs, to Corvettes, to motorcycles, to a popcorn wagon, to a hearse.

This was not the event I went to, but it gives you the flavor.

 Here are some of the pictures I took.

Please don't ask me to identify any of these.  Some of my readers will know.

Maybe one day I will take this Ultimate Roadtrip.

Here's the popcorn wagon.  They were giving out free popcorn and it was delicious.
The back of the wagon.

My guess is that this is a '57 Chevy.

This is not a '57 Chevy.

And speaking of  a '57 Chevy, here's a song for you.

They sure don't make cars like they used to.  Which, brings me to this question:

A lot of these cars (when you looked at the interior) had modern touches that weren't part of the original equipment..  One had cupholders.  One had a USB port (and a modern device was plugged into it, so it was obvious.)  I guess this is allowed in the world of these kinds of cruise-ins.  I tried to do a search on this but it's obvious that I wasn't using the right search terms.  But, no matter.

It was a lot of fun walking up and down the street and seeing cars from my childhood (and even before).

Ah, nostalgia.


  1.'s hard to beat a '57 Chevy!

  2. Wow, there are some great cars at the cruise in

  3. Beautiful cars. I like looking at them and they had style as opposed to now where all the sedans look like Toyotas. I prefer modern cars, lots safer and a ton more reliable and much less maintenance.
    From what I've seen, lots of cars have been upgraded with newer engines and especially the ignition system, drive trains and such.

  4. It seems like there are a lot of those kinds of car gatherings. It's fun to see the different vintages of cars.

  5. I never seen popcorn rig at a car show.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. One can't deny that those old cars were distinctive and beautiful even though not nearly as safe as the ones we drive today.


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