Monday, September 5, 2022

School Days #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, it's September, it's Labor Day here in the United States, and it's time for Music Moves Me!

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   Our head hostess is Cathy from Curious as a Cathy,  and she is joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and (last but not least) me.

Why not join our music loving folks?  It's so easy. All you have to do is join the linky above with a music post that contains at least one music video (there must be a music video or your post will be subject to removal or labeling "No Music").That's all it takes!

Each month, except December, we have a guest host. For September, we welcome a new guest host:  John from "The Sound of One Hand Typing".

His theme for this week is "For Labor Day, songs about school".

Oh, school days.  I remember well that first day of school in elementary school, walking to school with a brand new briefcase (this was before the era of backpacks), a brand new pack of Crayola crayons (oh, the day when I got the 64 pack with the crayon sharpener!) and new looseleaf (some call them binders) books.

School Days, from 1907, is somewhat nostalgic.

1963's Be True to Your School, from the Beach Boys, gives us the flavor of school spirit.

This song was played at my son's elementary graduation ceremony. From 1999, here's Vitamin C's Graduation (Friends Forever).  I wasn't fond of it when I first heard it, but it's grown on me over the years.

But let's flip the memories of school just a little.

There were the summer vacation memories of the students of Cheech and Chong's Sister Mary Elephant, from 1972.

Not all memories are nostalgic ones.

1970's Loudon Wainwright III's  School Days looks back at his days in an all male school in Delaware.

Steely Dan, My Old School, from 1973, has a bit of a backstory.  It's based on a true incident and it's a college, not a primary or secondary school, but I absolutely love the music and lyrics of this song.  I

One more, to wake you all up, 'cause this song is mandatory on any school playlist.  1972's Schools Out from Alice Cooper.

And that's a wrap!

Join me again next Monday for another episode of Music Moves Me.


  1. ...many are new for me. I hated school!

  2. Interesting choices today, both the hood and bad about school.

  3. I think that's the first time I've heard the right words for School Days! (Daddy always sang his own version!) ;)
    Enjoyed these so much, Alana. I've never heard Graduation (Friends Forever) and it made me SO nostalgic! I remember at graduation (50 years ago next year!) we all thought, 'We'll keep in touch!' and I haven't even seen many of them since that day. It makes me sad!

  4. Loved your selection and memories Alana! Except for the Beach Boys tune, they were all new to me! :-)

  5. Good set here! "Hey, Elephant, I gotta go to the can, man!" breaks me up every time...

  6. I wasn't a great student. Very nice.

  7. OMG.. the Cheech & Chong bit was hilarious. I came over from Jingle, Jangle. I enjoyed this rendition

  8. Alice Copper's "School's Out" was a welcome tune at the end of the school year. I forgot about Steely Dan's "My Old School". Nice tunes for the 4M party, my friend. Have a boogietastic month! ;)


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