Sunday, October 16, 2022

The October Flowers and Color Parade

October's color display where I live continues.

Colors on the Vestal Rail Trail during our exercise walk today.

 A wooded area on the side of the trail.
A colorful stand of trees.

These flowers are past peak now - I took these next two pictures on October 8.

White asters.

 New England Asters.

This is probably going to be our last nice day for a few days.  Tomorrow it is supposed to turn colder with morning rain, and a low Monday night flirting with temperatures that will bring frost.  Maybe.  We've dodged frost advisories several times now. 

But we are having to make the decisions on which plants I will try to overwinter.  Already I have taken (and some are starting to grow roots in water) impatien cuttings.  The coleus cuttings aren't doing too well, though.  Tomorrow the geranium basket that was my Mother's Day gift will probably be brought in for several days.

Today, spouse harvested our lemon grass (not hardy here) and took cuttings we will overwinter.

And tomorrow, I will probably cut my final bouquet of the year.

Once again, a bittersweet time.


  1. Lot lovely colors.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. I hope the weather holds out a bit longer for you.

  3. Lovely autumn colors. Enjoy them while they last.

  4. ...enjoy the color while it lasts.

  5. The colour through your photos are just so diverse and beautiful looking. Yeah, I get a bit of blues from time to time when things unpredictable happen. Or mundane things repeat themselves

  6. I’m loving the autumn colors. Our weather forecast is similar to yours, and I am not ready for the cold


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