Thursday, December 15, 2022

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day December 2022

It's the last Garden Bloggers Bloom Day of the year, and, after months of many things to show you, I am down to just a few.

In my zone 5b garden in the Southern Tier of New York State, we are under a winter storm warming.

Inside, though, the few blooming plants I have are snug and warm.  With our storm today, let's hope it stays that way.

Red and pinkish geraniums.

My geranium basket Mother's Day gift.  How could I let it die with the freeze?

An unexpected orange geranium.  It opened up last night!  This particular plant is two years old and is quite large.  You aren't seeing the plant, though, just leaves of a poinsettia from last year that is next to it. 

Speaking of those poinsettias, they never quite succeeded in coloring up.  There is a way to do this and I've only totally succeeded once.  These plants are too big to move and they are in my home office, so any red you see was totally the plants' doing.

Our one poinsettia plant recently purchased, a pink variety.  The pink bracts, as we know, aren't the actual flowers, which are the tiny things in the center. 

Last but not least, we actually had an outdoor flower, until a couple of days ago, anyway.  Our white Lenten Rose, which has a habit of putting out buds in January (too early!), outdid itself. Two days ago we got down to around 15 degrees F (-9.4C) and the buds froze. 

I'd love to know if anything is blooming for you where you live.

Thanks once again go to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this monthly meme the 15th of every month, month after month, year after year.   Thank you, Carol!  

Happy GBBD to you all, happy holidays, and happy New Year!


  1. Your indoor blooms are so pretty and welcoming. The pink poinsettia is my favorite!

  2. Oh my, it's the 15th already. That's quite a good selection for December.

  3. Beautiful blooms! (I didn't know the red part of poinsettias was not flowers, so thanks for that information.) We have some milkweed and some blue mistflowers and some beauty berries blooming here.

  4. Nothing looks more melancholy than a frozen rosebud! I love all of your lovely flowers! My five-year-old poinsettia got whiteflies this year and just didn't recover. I'm still sad.

  5. That's too bad about the Lenten rose. Will it put out more buds later if the weather is more favorable? (Reminder to self: Must get poinsettias!)

  6. Love the garden flowers any time of the year

  7. I love Geraniums, they remind me of my mother (1913-2003).
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  8. Lovely blooms and great photos ~ hope the storm doesn't destroy them ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. You are much more dedicated to overwintering than I am. I don't bother with geraniums, even though I like them. The poinsettia is pretty, even if it isn't red.

  10. I don’t think anything is blooming outdoors here. It’s cold.


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