Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bird and Squirrel #ShadowshotSunday

Two winter backyard shadow shots from this last week.  We finally had a stretch of sunny weather, as it was so cold, so I got to see shadows again.

A male Northern cardinal and a grey squirrel on the last day of January.  It was cold, and I took the picture from my house, so, unfortunately there are some unwanted spots in the photo.

More shadows, this time on Groundhog Day (February 2).

Today, joining with #ShadowshotSunday. 



  1. it isn't bitterly cold!

  2. Nice shot, your windows are obviously cleaner than ours. I would like to just clean a little bit of the window so I could take photos but I'm not sure my wife would appreciate it.

  3. It is summer in down under. Yet, we are having snow in our mountains and inner suburbs. It is crazy

  4. I guess when it's gray the shadows aren't there so much. I hadn't really looked before. I'll have to pay more attention.

  5. These backyard visitors enliven winter in so many ways. They are a delight every day.


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