Friday, February 3, 2023

Groundhog Day and Other Skies #SkywatchFriday

Yesterday was Groundhog Day in the United States, and if a groundhog had looked up where I live in New York State, he or she would have seen the sun.

 But the sky had a definite chill.  An arctic blast was on the way.

I took one more picture before I had to put my hands back in my gloves.

Today, though, the arctic blast is here.  It was in the 30's F yesterday. Right now the temperature is 12F (-11 C) and the wind is howling.    We will get close to, or below zero F (-17.7C), tonight.  No outdoor skywatching today or tomorrow. So what I would like to do, instead, is show you the sunset from January 28, another day when the sun decided to show itself.

A contrail in the middle of the photo.  After a sunny day, the clouds are returning.

And the sun says nighty-night, as the clouds build.

Joining with Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...these are wonderful. I was able to take pictures of the sunset yesterday from the comfort of my SUV.

  2. Gorgeous pictures! Fortunately, the temperature doesn't transmit with them! Brrrrr...

  3. Beautiful sky shots ~ divine eye ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. I like those kind of clouds you show in the first two photos. This morning was almost warm outside! What a sudden change, although it may change back just as suddenly.

  5. That picture with the contrail is outstanding, there's so much dimension.

  6. Why does the sky always look so pretty when the air is arctic?

  7. Gorgeous skies. Bundle up and stay worm and safe!

  8. Some nice skies you captured. Stay warm!! The arctic blast sounds scary. We had a cold spell with sleet and things warmed up yesterday and will be 68 next Tuesday.

  9. All these photos are wonderful. Sky is beautiful when there are clouds and beautiful colours.

  10. Sending warming thoughts your way.

  11. I'm glad you had a sunny day before the arctic blast. Stay warm!

  12. Danke für deinen Besuch bei mir.
    Deine Himmelsfotos finde ich sehr schön, man kann die Kälte spüren, die sie vermitteln.
    Aber wenigstens ist blau zu sehen
    und nichts ist so grau wie bei mir ;-)
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Wo ich wohne, wird es sonnig, wenn es sehr kalt ist. Du hast einen grauen Himmel, Jutta! Vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar.

  13. too. Wonderful images of the sky.


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