Sunday, March 19, 2023

First Signs of Spring 2023

Two days before the calendar beginning of spring, spring finally showed up at my house.  We can't get too excited - I woke up this morning to a dusting of snow.  But still, spring is here.

I had seen crocuses and snowdrops locally before now, but they bloom a little late at my home.

We had seen the buds on St. Patrick's Day, and, yesterday, they opened up.



On the side of our house, the first daffodil buds (taken on St. Patrick's Day).

Finally, our Lenten Rose is sending up flower buds.

Yes, Nature, you may not be done with us as far as throwing winter weather our way.  We've had snow storms as late as mid April here.  But we also know that some of Nature is stretching and yawning and waking up after its winter sleep (including, sigh, the chipmunks).   Our lilac buds are greening.  We saw a male and female cardinal touching beaks the other day.

Spring really is here.  Despite the dusting of snow.

April will follow March.

April Come She Will.

Join me tomorrow for more spring music and Music Moves Me.


  1. ...our Lenten Rose is sending up shoots too, but that's about it.

  2. Yes, it’s starting to feel like spring

  3. We're getting another week of rain, which is winter for us. Such a weird year weather-wise for us.

  4. I'm sure Spring flowers will show up here, in Idaho.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. No snow here near the Gulf Coast! Spring is early as it almost always is.


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