Sunday, May 21, 2023

Car Show Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

We went to a local parking lot car show on Friday.  There were shadows and reflections everywhere, partially because proud car owners polish their cars.

Here are some:

On the hood of a 1992 Corvette.

The photographer's shadow taking a picture of a Ford Galaxie.

An onlooker's shadow on another Corvette.

Joining Magical Mystical Teacher's Shadowshot Sunday today.


  1. Wow, those cars are amazing. Love your photos.

  2. Great idea for shadows and reflections. Older cars are great for both.

  3. The shadow and reflection on the bright blue finish in the top photo are very impressive.

  4. Looks like you had fun at the car show.

  5. Shadow shots seem fun. How can I miss this event too?

  6. Our car show is first part of June.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  7. Awesome shots! Interesting play of light, shadows, and reflections along with these beauties.


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