Monday, May 15, 2023

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day May 2023

(If you are looking for my normal Monday Music Moves Me post, it published yesterday.  Please click this link for some great music.  But I hope you will also stay for the flowers.

For me, it's the most wonderful time of the year here in my zone 5b Southern Tier of New York garden..

The weather has (mostly) moderated.  The birds are busy doing what comes naturally, and the flowers are blooming.  Although, we were under a frost advisory last night (we got to 39F (3.8 C) and outlying areas would have had a freeze (my guess). Wednesday night, it may be our turn for frost.

But that's not a total surprise.

The time has come that I have so many flowers to show you that I would crash the Internet if I showed you all of them.  So today, as I join up with Garden Bloggers Bloom Day (the 15th of the month meme hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens), I am showing you only some of the highlights. 

Where to begin?  I must begin with my son's Mothers Day gift to me.

A fuchsia hanging basket!  Now, let's go onward with more seasonal plantings.

These are my last tulips - the rest are gone.  They are one of my favorites, too.

How about brunneria?  It was blooming last Bloom Day, and it's still going strong.  I have three different varieties (two are intertwined here) but all have beautiful small blue flowers.

White bleeding heart. (I also have a pink one, but it is barely blooming and needs to be relocated). Now for yellow flowered plants:

Yellow bleeding heart, I think Corydalis lutea.  I didn't plant it but it sure loves my shady yard.


Yellow dead nettle.

Finally, yellow euphorbia.  

Let's switch to white.

White lilac.
This is a total surprise - I found it in almost complete shade on the side of my house.  My built in iPhone app for plant ID said it was a black cherry

Star of Bethlehem, a plant that I never planted.  It just showed up one year and it's in a place on the side of my house I generally don't visit, so some years I miss it.  This year I didn't, and I saw I even have three plants now.

Other colors:

Red and yellow primrose, which I got from my late mother in law. 

Purple lilac.

 My Itoh peony buds should start to open later today (I estimate).

Our lily of the valley buds are opening.

Finally, our irises (not pictured) have buds. 

It's a beautiful time of year, and I hope I brought some beauty into your life today.

Joining today, as I do the 15th of each month, with Carol at May Dreams Gardens for her #GardenBloggersBloomDay. 

Why not visit some of the other participants?

See you next 15th of the month.


  1.'s a blooming time of year.

  2. So many beautiful blooms. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. Beautiful blooms!
    What a thoughtful son you have!

  4. You have so many pretty blooms! Those tulips are lovely and bleeding hearts always catch my eye, they're so delicate looking.

  5. My lilacs aren't blooming yet, I can't wait, not just for the color, but the smell. I LOVE the fuchsia hanging basket your son gave you, great gift.

  6. I remember fuchsias from a childhood porch. How they bring back memories.

  7. Ahhhhh! So satisfying! I've SO missed this! :)

  8. I miss my lilac the shelf fungus killed. I stop and sniff the ones in the neighborhood when Mickey and I out on walks! Oh, only if they are next to the sidewalk!

  9. They're all so pretty! I especially like the barrenwort and the yellow bleeding heart. I had not realized corydalis and bleeding heart are related, but now that I think about it, it makes sense.

  10. Every thing in your May garden looks beautiful. I especially love the tulips and brunneria.


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