Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Stalled in February - A Temperature Afghan Update #WordlessWednesday

 Before I begin:  Two days ago, the smoke from the Canadian wildfires returned to our area of upstate New York.  Yesterday morning, the sky was yellowish and you could smell the smoke.  And we are hundreds of miles away.

My heart goes out to our Canadian friends.  People on the West Coast have faced the fire hazard for years now, along with those in differing parts of the world.  Who will be next? 

And now, to today's post, which is also (in a way) connected to weather.

I've blogged a couple of times about a year-long project I embarked on.  I am crocheting a temperature afghan, a blanket that will record the high temperatures of the year 2023 in color.

A temperature blanket uses colors to record highs and/or low temperatures over a certain period of time.  They can be used to record temperatures for a year, perhaps a calendar year, or the first year of a baby's life (to be presented as a birthday gift).   Some knit these, some quilt these.  Some make scarfs or sweaters.  The variations are endless.

This was my last update.

Now, it's June, and I haven't done an update since March 7.  That may be because I find myself stuck in February. The below photo shows the afghan with rows as of February 23.  But I will finish this afghan.  I am still recording temperatures.

These are the colors I am using, based on a crochet chart developed by a yarn manufacturer for New York City and are in F (sorry, Celsius using readers).

0 F (-17.8 C) and lower:  Pale Plum.  It would be most unusual where I live to have a high less than zero, but the one night we got below zero, I decided to use the color (which I had already purchased) and record it on my afghan.  You can see the pale color sandwiched between two rows of dark purple (actually, dark orchid).  We had a warmer than normal winter, hence all the turquoise.

1-21F   Dark orchid
21-32F  Royal blue
33-43F  Turquoise
44-53F  Spring Green
54-66F  Kelly Green (think of St. Patrick's Day)
67-77F  Bright Yellow
78-88F Carrot orange
89-99F  Pretty in Pink
100F (38C) and above - Fruity Stripe (shades of pink - a variegated yarn) Let's hope I don't have to use it.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.  

I hope, next update, to have more rows to show you. 


  1. We have hazy skies here from fires in northern Michigan. Years ago I was in Denver after their fires and folks were literally passing out in the street from the bad air.
    I love the afghan idea and told myself that maybe next year I will make one.

  2. ...we are smoked in here too.

  3. I like the colors and the corespondence with temperatures. New Idea for me. Success in doing it.
    Sorry to hear about the fires. Very sad subjects!
    I hope everything is OK with your friends.

    Happy WW and a fine week!😘❤️

  4. Lovely colors and needlework ~ hope your friends are ok ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. What a brilliant idea. We have lots of hot weather here. We've also had years and years of forest fires. So bad that you can't see very far. Awful. I know what Canada is going through. It's awful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. Those are nice colors you picked.

  7. Good Luck with the temperature afgahn! The colours chosen are lovely!

  8. ha, what an interesting project - a temperature blanket. I haven't heard of it yet.

  9. There's going to come a moment when you just have some time, and you'll get all caught up in a weekend or such. You're making great progress. It looks great so far.

  10. I love it. Regine

  11. That's such a great idea for an afghan and it sure is beautiful!

  12. I love the idea of that afghan. Unfortunately, I can't knit!

  13. I think this is such an awesome idea!
    You'll have to find a 'smoky' colour for your smoky days (Sorry about sharing our smoke from Canada!)

  14. Such a cool project. It's turning out really attractive, too.


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