Monday, June 26, 2023

The Beatles Now and Forever #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, and it's time for music once again.

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers?  

We are bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and Yours Truly.

Why not join our music loving folks?  It's so easy. All you have to do is join the linky above with a music post that contains at least one music video.  No music video? Your post may be removed, or may be labeled *NO MUSIC*.    

Today we say "farewell and thanks for your June conducting" to our guest conductor - "csuhpat1" from Adventures in Weseland.  We also say "howdy" to the several new music bloggers who have joined our group over the past month or so.  Welcome!

Today, our guest conductor chooses as our theme: "Yesterday was Global Beatles Day. Let's share songs about the Beatles, by the Beatles, and/or the members of the band."

There are so many good songs to choose from. 

The Beatles

When Beatlemania hit, I was in elementary school.  This song wasn't as popular (at first) in the United States as it was in Great Britain, where it was released in August of 1963.  No matter, we Americans caught up quickly enough. Here's an article on this iconic Beatles song.

The Beatles and "She Loves You."

"Yesterday", which I consider one of the best Beatles songs.  I was in middle school (then called junior high) by then.

 "Eleanor Rigby".

On some survey, years ago, this was considered the number one rock song of all time.  "A Day in the Life" from 1967 definitely deserves to be towards the top of any greatest rock list.   I listened to Sgt Pepper with a friend for the very first time after it came out, and we were both (as it was said back then) blown away.

Cover of Beatle Songs

There were also songs that I liked better as covers by other artists.  One of those songs was "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" covered by Elton John in 1975.  No disrespect meant, Beatles.

After the Beatles broke up in 1970, they pursued separate careers.

Paul McCartney

At one point in time, we got out (once a week, for a Friday movie night) every (as of that time) James Bond movie DVDs out of the library and watched them with my then pre teen son. 

In honor of that enjoyable time, here's Paul McCartney and Wings with the 1973 theme song to "Live and Let Die".  Here is more information on the song.

George Harrison

"Isn't It a Pity."  I chose this remaster because of the video.

John Lennon 

"Instant Karma" because we all shine on.  And finally...

Ringo Starr

1971's "It Don't Come Easy", because it doesn't.

And that's a wrap!  Join me again next Monday for another episode of Music Moves Me.


  1. Quite a nostalgic run of Beatles. Nice on a Monday

  2. ...the Beatles were never a favorite of mine.

    1. Thank you! I thought I was the only one.

  3. Alana,

    By the time, I understood who The Beatles were they were at the tail end of their career as a band. Of course, I didn't know it at the time. Their music was a big part of most of our lives not only in the 60s but years to follow. I didn't follow too closely the other band members, unless their songs were super popular. Paul McCartney and Wings got more time entertaining me than the others the way I remember things. They all were super talented musicians. It's great that Paul and Ringo are still going strong at it. Great song set. I don't remember "It Don't Come Easy" or "Instant Karma" at all, so these were nice to hear for the first time. Have a boogietastic week, my dear!

  4. I love your choices. Nice balance between Beatles tunes and individual performances

  5. Whoa, there's some here I've never heard before. Yesterday is a favorite of mine. Great job girlfriend! You have rocked the house. Have a great day!

  6. Wonderful choices. My family has been Beatles fans since SHE LOVES ME

  7. It's the music of my formative years. Thanks for featuring it.

  8. Wow. "A Day in the Life" brought back eighth grade and a whole other world long gone. Sniffle.

  9. Great playlist. I love all things Beetles.

    Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

  10. Good selections! I don't remember which survey it was, but I remember that "A Day In The Life" was chosen as its #1 song. And everyone thought it was about an acid trip....

  11. I am agreat fan of their music displayed in your post, and my favorite 'beatle' was Ringo Star. Thanks for the memories.

  12. Amazing how much talent was contained within that group. The songs that shaped our lives.

  13. Very nice. I love your take on it. Great playlist.

  14. I enjoyed your rendition of them from their beginning to their solo careers. I love the Elton John version and heard it on a jukebox at someone's home. I always played every time I was there

  15. I remember sitting in my boyfriend's parent's trailer in their back yard with some friends, listening to She Loves You on my boyfriend's magical portable record player. It was my introduction to The Beatles! So many, many great songs to choose from!

  16. I like that you did them as individual artists foo. I really loved A day in the life - it appealed to my existential angst, i'm guessing.

  17. I love all your choices. I love the Beatles, especially from the White Album on!

  18. Great choice of tunes love them all 💜💜


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