Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wild Flowers #WordlessWednesday

We humans may take classes on how to garden, cut, arrange flowers, and create bouquets, but Nature does quite a job all on its own.

Here are some wildflowers for your enjoyment.

Morning glories, also called field bindweed.  You do not want this in your garden but it was pretty in a local park.

Taken July 29, Queen Anne's Lace.

Purple flowering raspberry.  Their raspberry like fruits aren't poisonous but are drier and more tart (I am told) than our common raspberries.

 Finally, soapwort.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...there's nothing nice about bindweed.

  2. First I want to say congratulation for being a winner of the challenge A to Z.
    Your wild flowers are beautiful. Nature is amazing everywhere.
    Happy WW and a fine week and August! ❤️😘

  3. The purple raspberry is pretty. I think bindweed is too! I like the look of Queen Anne's Lace, but I have a dog, and it's toxic. Yarrow gives me a similar look.

  4. Nice photos and descriptions I learn something new everyday :-)

    Have a bindweedlesstastic week 👍

  5. Wild flowers are so beautiful. My favorite of all flowers.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. Beautiful photos of nature's treasures ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. These are better flowers grown in the wild than I can grow in my yard. Sigh. I love the name 'soapwort'. Isn't that just the MOST picturesque word?!

  8. I love your wildlflowers. I work butterfly information booths with a woman who knows all the wildflowers and what they are good for. None of the info sticks to me very long but I love hearing it.

  9. I'd love to learn more about wildflowers. Thanks for sharing these.

  10. But we must admit that the bindweed is quite pretty.

  11. Nature is unbeatable! Wild flowers everywhere are a beautiful sight, and attract us to have a look at them.

  12. The flowers are pretty. We have bindweed growing in one of our fields and it creeps out across the grass. We have tried pulling it up and spraying as a last resort but nothing seems to get rid of it.


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